原创 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2022-05-21 原文文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/14311.html
Soul Healing
Everybody is soul-searching. Even if they don’t know it, even if they don’t call it that, it’s what they’re doing. We soul-search because part of us feels lost, or we don’t feel whole, or because we feel like we’re not living up to our soul’s potential. We soul-search because of life’s hardships.
Often a negative experience, or a series of them, will prompt a person to feel broken or depleted and want to feel complete again. That’s soul-searching. It can take the form of attending retreats, going to hear inspirational speakers, seeking advice from loved ones, enrolling in therapy, or any number of other activities. It’s what we do when we’re looking to heal and elevate our souls, to strengthen our purpose in life.
Your soul resides in your brain, where your soul stores your memories and experiences. When you pass from this mortal realm, your soul carries those memories as it moves onward. Even if someone has a brain injury or brain disease that keeps her or him from remembering certain things, the soul will bring all the memories with it when that person passes on.
Your soul also stores your hope, faith, and trust, all of which help keep you on the right path.
Ideally, we would all have fully intact souls. Over the course of life’s hardships, though, a soul can become fractured and even lose pieces of itself. This can be caused by traumatic events, such as the death of a loved one, betrayal by a loved one, or betrayal of oneself, as well as ongoing traumas, such as the loss of freedom and trust that comes with experiencing chronic symptoms and illness. When I scan someone who has been through hardship, fractures in her or his soul resemble cracks in a cathedral window. I can tell where the fractures are, because that’s where the light comes streaming through.
As for a soul with missing pieces, it’s like a house at night that’s meant to have all of its lights on . . . except some of its rooms are stuck in the dark.
When soul injuries are fresh, they can result in the feeling of being lost, or in loss of connection with oneself, loss of desire or inspiration to persevere or thrive, or even loss of life force. That’s why it’s important to be aware of our soul. Wounds from hardship, betrayal, broken trust, or emotional hurt often exhaust a person’s immune system, adrenals, and other body defenses, triggering a physical issue that could be residing deep within our organs and body.
Sometimes a person’s soul injury and resulting emotional state isn’t a physical problem . . . yet. Symptoms often take time to build quietly in the background, so a soul injury at an earlier time in life could be the trigger for future symptoms or full-blown conditions to come—if you don’t have the right knowledge, tools, and resources to care for your soul and physical body.
Let’s be clear: emotional wounds and soul wounds are not the for physical suffering. They are not the cause. Rather, they can act as for underlying susceptibilities, which are caused by the pathogens and poisons we’re up against in this world. are not weak. You are stronger than you know to have battled this long and gotten yourself this far in life. Now you get to rise above.
A person with soul injury is vulnerable. If you ever hear a friend say, “I’m not ready for another relationship, I’m still hurting from my breakup,” she’s acknowledging that her soul needs time to heal before she risks putting herself out there again.
Along the same lines, if you ever observe someone who’s sick with symptoms or a condition and hasn’t been able to find answers, you may see this person hungrily pursuing spiritual learning in any form: religion, spiritual gurus, self-help books, meditation retreats, breath work . . . It’s likely because that person’s soul has been injured from all the trust lost along the way, and she or he is instinctively searching for ways to make the soul healthy and complete again. When we fall ill with symptoms that won’t go away or that continue to come and go, we lose trust in our body and in others to help us. There are people who have been sick for years who turn to soul-searching when they can’t find answers. They find themselves at the best retreats in the world, still in pain or sick.
Sometimes soul-searching will bring people closer to themselves. Many times it will leave them feeling more lost than ever. Under the guise of “help,” you may have heard the false theory that illness is just a cry for attention. You may have heard that when bad things happen to us, we caused them by thinking the wrong thoughts, or that something about who we are is wrong.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: If you are ill or going through a trial like a divorce or a loss, you did not manifest it. You did not attract it. It is not punishment or payback. You do not deserve to be sick or unhappy. It is not your fault.
You don’t need to travel the world trying to find yourself. Soul healing is about reclaiming who you are. Because who you are already is good enough. Who you are already means . You deserve to heal. You deserve to be happy. You deserve to feel whole.
So far in this book, we’ve focused on the very real, physiological reasons for chronic suffering, as well as the knowledge and tangible tools you need to protect yourself and your loved ones. Those safeguards and the physical healing they bring about create one of the most powerful forms of soul healing, too.
When you use the previous chapters to work on your physical health, you’re repairing your adrenals and your nervous system from all they’ve been through. That, along with all the other physical improvements from getting to the root of your symptom or condition, can mean you start to get your life back. And as your quality of life and the freedom you lost start to return, your soul can gain profound relief, rejuvenation, and liberation.
At the same time, you can bring in the special techniques in this chapter to enhance your healing on every level. Here, you will understand what happens to our souls when we encounter hardship and how to bring healing to your own soul.
The exercises I describe are the true answers for soul- searchers. These techniques are also here to bring healing to your heart and spirit. As I mentioned at the beginning of this book, your soul, heart, and spirit are three separate parts of you. They are still connected. They all still speak to each other.
Your serves as the compass for your actions, guiding you to do the right thing when your soul becomes lost. Your heart is also a kind of safety net that can compensate for soul injury. This means you can have a tattered soul and a warm, loving heart. When your soul suffers fractures and losses, a strong heart will get you through with , and until your soul has managed to heal. (Superficial love: that’s a matter of the mind. Selfless love: that comes from the heart.) It also works the other way: having a healthy soul doesn’t necessarily make you complete. You can have an uninjured soul, and a broken heart can still hinder you.
Your heart keeps a record of your good intentions. In fact, it’s common for someone’s heart to grow more loving and accepting as a result of the roller-coaster ride her or his soul has gone through. It’s that reaction of “I get it now” after you’ve experienced a challenge that shows you how hard life can be on this planet. Great losses can lead to deeper understanding of others and what they have gone through, and a deeper understanding of what you yourself have gone through . . . and greater love and compassion.
Then there’s your —which in this context refers to your and Your spirit is not your soul. They are two separate parts of you. It’s your spirit that enables you to climb, run, and fight.
You can have an injured soul and still have what’s left of a strong spirit. Many people, when they experience a breakup, will start exercising or traveling more. That’s an example of using your spirit to push through heartache and soul confusion or injury. Even if, at first, that breakup has you lying around in the fetal position, not wanting to eat, work, or do any self-care as you mourn the relationship, oftentimes the power of your free will (which is directly connected to your soul) will kick in, which will propel you to use your spirit to help yourself overcome.
As I said in Chapter 1, “Origins of the Medical Medium,” even if your soul has been battered and your heart is faint, your spirit can keep you physically going while you look for opportunities to heal. That’s part of why going outside for a walk, watching birds, or looking at a sunset can be so valuable: they help you regain your spirit, and that can be the start to rebuilding your heart and soul.
Every human being is different, with individual experiences, feelings, and soul states. At the same time, the techniques to come are powerful spiritual practices that anybody can do, no matter what their individual experiences, feelings, or soul states. You can turn to these for the rest of your life. They are here to support who you are, not change you because you are somehow not good enough. They’re here to help your soul, heart, and spirit heal—which supports your physical healing, too—not rewire you because you are somehow faulty on some fundamental level.
You are not faulty. You are precious.
Be proud of any work you’ve done on your healing process in any way. Let yourself feel a sense of accomplishment in your soul. Taking control of your own recovery before you leave this planet is worth it. When your time here ends, each and every effort you’ve put into healing will help your soul on its journey beyond the stars, where God will receive it.
So get ready—you’re about to learn the secrets to reviving your soul, heart, and spirit, finding peace, and feeling whole again.
Emotional Detox
There’s a significant emotional aspect to recovering from any injury or ailment—especially mystery illness. As your body cleanses itself of toxins or a viral load, you may find that emotional detox occurs, too.
For example, if you’ve suffered with chronic fatigue syndrome since college and have learned through this book that a virus was behind your condition, you might feel initial relief and even elation as you follow the chapters’ guidelines and watch your body restore itself.
As your cells release those physical toxins—such as neurotoxins and dermatoxins produced by the very viruses behind your symptoms and conditions—emotions may bubble up. You may find yourself angry with the people who told you your illness was psychosomatic, and you may grieve for the years you lost to being unwell. You may feel intense cravings, as well, for foods that fed pathogens responsible for your inflammation and other symptoms.
This emotional aspect is a perfectly natural part of healing. When you went through past emotional hardships, fight or flight may have taken over. Your heart may have accelerated as adrenaline was being released throughout your body. When the fight-or-flight moment passed, this adrenaline, which contained information about the challenging experience, got stored deep in your cells and organs. Once you start cleansing and this old adrenaline gets released, a feeling of sadness can occur, or other emotional sensations.
Emotions you were feeling at the time of hardship may resurface.
Take comfort in the knowledge that this is a temporary phase, and you don’t have to engage with everything that comes up. You’ll overwhelm yourself and risk dwelling in the past if you try to consciously process every tidbit that comes to the surface. That said, validation is essential to your recovery. Consider this whole book to be validation that your pain is real, that you didn’t bring your illness or any emotional struggles or hardships upon yourself, and that you deserve to live a healthy life. You deserve to feel at peace.
During physical detox, one of your goals is to release old adrenaline storage bins and old emotions that are attached to painful memories (on a subconscious level when possible), and to replace them with soothing, positive points of reference— whether in the form of newer experiences or aspirations, or in the form of pleasant moments from the past that you’ve reclaimed. The more at peace you are, the better an environment you’re creating for your nervous system, your immune system, your adrenals and endocrine system, and your digestive system to do their jobs. That peace is what this chapter will help you cultivate.
Using the meditations and techniques that follow, you can let go of the past and claim the life that God—the Higher Source, the Light, the Divine—wants for you.
Evil happens when people lose faith
Faith is tremendously lacking here on Earth. Even if people believe in God, a higher source, so many lose faith that they can even heal from illness and other inflictions and go on to even succeed in life. It’s understandable. Bad things happen in the world from personal betrayals to disease to war. It’s not easy to reconcile. Almost 3.5 billion people on this planet don’t have faith. Yet, part of the reason things go wrong is because of this lack of faith. When a person doesn’t believe in the good of the world, it can cause her or him to behave recklessly, which can have extremely negative consequences for everybody else. One such action can cause countless people to question the good in humanity, to doubt their faith. Sometimes this recklessness happens in the form of violence. Other times it’s hidden, like in the industries at the turn of the 19th century that started releasing toxic chemicals, heavy metals, into our environment, causing people to get sick with conditions like goiters and cancers and mental illness, which we still have plenty of today. It didn’t happen because the world is an inherently bad place. It happened because people in high positions of power lost their faith and higher purpose for the good of humanity somewhere along the way. And so they took a gamble and exposed the world to pain and suffering.
So many people today struggle with their health. When you are ill or your loved ones are, and you keep hearing more disheartening stories of people coming up against health issues, it’s easy to get mad at life. It’s easy to feel unsafe, unprotected, trapped in a world of disappointment and fear. Always come back to this truth: you are allowed to live a good life. You deserve to live a good life. A good life exists for you. And the foundation of a good life is good health. You deserve to heal. You deserve to tap into your body’s restorative mechanisms. You deserve to be happy, and you deserve to be well. It is not life itself fouling things up. It’s people who lose touch with their essence and conviction, then make heedless choices as a result. The most powerful thing you can do in the face of this is to have faith. People without faith walk around with their eyes technically open yet remain blind to the helping hands of God and the universe trying to reach out to them. They may make a compelling argument for the reasons they don’t believe, and convince others of this bleakness of the world, in which case it’s the blind leading the blind.
As we too walk through life experiencing difficulties, adversities, hardships, judgements, injustices, losses, emotional injuries, emotional abuse, and struggles, so many of us look for answers above. We question our faith. Is there even a God? Does God even hear us? Is God listening? Does Jesus hear us? We question everything. Does the blessed mother Mary know what we’re going through? We question our faith. We question the creator above or the gods that we believe in or the light or the universe or whatever we believe in. We question who we are. We question if our soul has a connection to the heavens above. We question if we are connected to the universe. We question if anybody hears us or knows our pain, if anybody has witnessed what we are experiencing. When times are difficult, we question our existence. We lose faith. If we even had any faith to start with.
We can’t let the news headlines or physical trials make us stop believing. We can’t let the evil on this planet that creates genocide and pain and suffering stop us from believing. Because that is what evil wants. Evil wants us to stop believing in God or if there is a God. Evil wants us to doubt everything about existence and everything around us. Evil wants us to believe there’s nothing good anywhere. And that’s what evil wants. We have to nurture our belief, so that it becomes a part of our soul. We have to build our belief and our faith so it becomes a part of our soul. Building up to become faith that saturates our very being. It takes practice. It really does. It takes patience. And when evil machines are on this planet doing destruction they have no right to, it takes a lot of patience, a lot of patience, to believe in anything good. It may even take talking to the angels every day and asking them: “Why?” Even if we feel like we can’t hear them.
Faith is a light that leads the way. And evil hates faith. Faith is a burning torch that allows us to see far ahead of what we’re feeling or living with in this moment. Faith is the light. It’s a light in the middle of a big, massive dark place. If we let that light in, and we let it in, faith can lead the way to the hope of positive outcomes. It can lead us to fruitful experiences, fruitful relationships, even new friendships. If we hold onto faith, access it, carry its torch, we can use it to even find new health, gain new inspirations, and see and envision new dreams, even when it feels impossible to see those dreams and those visions because of what’s happening in the world.
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