原创 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2022-06-03 原文文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/14502.html
在安东尼疗法期间,很容易对身体发生的一些表现感到困惑。尤其是如果一个人肝脏毒性很高。我已经进行了18个月的369净化疗愈法, 通常是高阶369,但在假期期间变为标准版或简易版 369。我在开始深度净化开始之前,在疗愈之旅前期感受到了愉悦感。我现在正在经历许多症状,比如黑舌苔,安东尼说这是氧化的汞和铝离开身体时导致的排毒症状。
在社交媒体上,Cacey Scott说了许多人们因为不知道自己身体正在发生什么,并在他们能获益之前就放弃疗愈。如果有兴趣,这里是他谈论这个主题的链接。他和我一样经历了不容易的排毒历程。(关于cacey的分享,请见“疗愈故事(78)- 关于排毒反应和如何应对调整”
很多人说他们吃得非常健康,所以不需要369净化疗愈法。实际上如果没有369,肝脏无力真正净化。在《肝脏救援》一书中,安东尼威廉解释了为什么最后3天对疗愈如此重要。在过去 6 天里,你一直在预热肝脏并做好准备,这样它才有能力去除累积多年的毒素,这远远超出了早晨净化法去除日常垃圾的范畴。在最后3 天里,肝脏会排出大量打包后的垃圾毒素,以排出体外,安东尼威廉说请不要认为自己比净化疗愈法更聪明,所有这些都是根据身体运作机制精准设计的。
我 62 岁,过去卧床不起。现在我很能干,一个人住,一切都自己做。我还没有完全疗愈,根据我的年龄和肝脏状况,这将是一个5年的上坡路。我既不富有也没有退休。我用自己的积蓄来疗愈自己。我用安东尼威廉推荐的补充剂,虽然不是全部。保持生食真的很有帮助。
我理解在净化疗愈后脑雾加重的感觉。这可能令人难过,但要知道在净化疗愈脑雾加重是毒素正在松动,并离开大脑和肝脏的迹象。安东尼威廉说,当我们在排毒过程中脑雾加重时,不要担心。所以如果做 369 并出现脑雾加重,请把它当作一个信号,身体真的在深层净化!!这是一件好事!:) 风暴终将过去。
在安东尼威廉的直播期间,当有人写他们没有看到改善时, 我看到他问“你做了多少次高阶369 或 28 天净化法?”我知道很多人还没有准备好进行369净化疗愈法。这些是非常严格的生食,让我渴望蒸土豆。要知道许多人说的没有看到改善,实际上是没有坚持足够长的时间,而且并未严格遵守净化疗愈法。
我为什么要分享这个?因为我们了解安东尼威廉的信息才几年的时间,有时还不足以看到完全疗愈。我们中的许多人都在 20 多岁、30 多岁和 40 多岁时找到他的信息,有时甚至更晚。所以我们有之前几十年的错误饮食和长期接触毒素。这些不会全部一次性出来,虽然我们可能在6个月内好到好转,但有时我们需要 3-4 年才能完全康复。我希望能告诉你,有快速的解决方法,但真的没有。
有些人有相反的问题——这意味着他们减重得太快了。要知道,体重只是健康状况的一个指数,而稳定健康的体重是我们最终想要达到的目标。问题在于,大多数正在增重或减重的人认为,这是一个将永远存在的问题。并非如此。身体总是在变化。在我的疗愈之旅中,我曾经一度是 2 号。我现在是 8-10 码。但我并不专注于我的衣服尺寸,但我了解作为女性有多少精力集中在体重上。如果我们能够通过疗愈给自己一份礼物,那么就应该打破对体重和体型的执念。所有这些都表明了我们的健康状况。
* 一切都在持续变化
* 你有最好的健康支持方案
* 这个世界上每个人都可能疗愈
* 我们每天都在面对各类毒素和病毒,所以有时它们会导致病症爆发
* 即使遇到病症爆发,你也能痊愈
* 如果现在感觉没有进展,我们身体还有更多工作要做
* 当你遇到新的症状且不知道来自哪里时,的确很可怕
* 你时刻被爱着
* 你会疗愈,问题是什么时候,而不是会不会。
转帖自@Cacey Scott
? 我开始觉得我有最好的朋友,无条件地爱我,教我什么是真实的,什么是正确的,每时每刻都在我身边。当我在祈祷和臣服时,我会感到无比的平静。这就是为什么我将慢性疾病视为一个机会,让我们获得光的力量并过上更好的生活,但首先我们需完成训练。
Reddit community about Detox reaction and The Healing Path
It's easy to be confused about what's happening deep in your body when healing with MM. Especially if you have a high toxic load or have a sluggish liver. I'm at 18 months cleansing with 369s. Usually Advanced, but step down to Original or Simple 369s around holidays. I did feel this euphoria earlier on in my healing journey, before the deep cleansing began. I'm in the thick of things now, with Black Tongue, which MM says is a detox symptom for Mercury and Aluminum that has oxidized, leaving the body. I am feeling the neurological symptoms kicking up because the toxins created by my virus die off, are being pushed into my bloodstream where the liver is flushing them out. It's a much more tenuous process if your liver isn't in good shape. Your liver does a lot of the heavy lifting so it needs to heal before you can heal. I was an wino (alcoholic) for a couple decades so my liver was not in great condition.
On Instragram this guy talks a lot about the issue of people not knowing what's going on in their body and quitting before they get the benefit of all their hard work. If you're interested here's the link where he talks about this subject. He had reactivated EBV like I did. https://www.instagram.com/p/CXhsGCZlTtT/
Many people say they eat really healthy so they don't need to be on a 369. For many of us, the liver doesn't have the power to clean you up without the 369 pressing against it and pushing out the toxins. In Liver Rescue, starting on 349, MM explains why Day 7,8 and 9 are so critical to healing. "The past 6 days you've been warming up your liver and getting it ready so it will have the power to drive out junk, poison it's been holding onto for years. This goes far beyond Liver Rescue Morning's ability to process out daily waste. Over the 3 days, your liver is going to be excreting packages of waste for delivery out of the body, so everything needs to be in service of that." MM says "don't try to outguess the cleanse". It's designed purposefully.
I'm 62 and was bedridden. I'm very functional now, I live by myself and do everything for myself. I'm not healed yet but I assume it will be a 5 year ramp for me because of my age and condition of my liver. No, I'm not rich or retired. I'm spending every last bit of my savings healing myself. I do many of Vimergy's supplements, not all. Staying raw really helps.
Many of you sound really down. Your body is cleansing deep down, it just gets confusing whether it's a trigger, a symptom, a flare up... Many of you are probably feeling the uncomfortable detox feelings and think you're not getting any better, when in fact, it's uncomfortable to detox deep. It takes time to get deep. Don't be a pussy, get back on that cleanse! {wink}... and especially don't badmouth MM. After everything he and SOC have done, they deserve better than that. Best to you..
Thank you so much. You mirror my statistics. Alcohol and age. So your experiences I take to heart. I have been conservative by only using the liver rescue and heavy metal detox smoothies. I'm going to start the 369 cleanse now. I've been an ardent supporter of Anthony, and a real cheerleader on all of his live streams. But after years of headaches and brain fog, to have them returning has enraged and frightened me to the point where I feel like giving up. So I seriously appreciate what you've shared. This is just unbearable and I want so badly to be fresh and alive again. You've helped to get me back on track.
I understand how it feels to have increased brain fog after working with the protocols. It can be saddening. Just know brain fog that increases during intense cleansing is a sign things are loosening and leaving the brain and liver. AW says when we get the increased brain fog during detox, not to worry. So if you do 369s and get more brain fog, take it as a sign things are really cleansing on a deep level!! and thats GOOD! The storms will pass as you know.
During MM live streams, when people have written in that they are not getting results - I've seen AW ask 'how many advanced 3:6:9 or 28 day cleanses have you done?' I know a lot of people aren't quite ready to commit to those cleanses. They are pretty restrictive (all raw, no starch) and leave me yearning for steamed potatoes. I wonder if a lot of people who aren't happy their results just aren't leaning into those cleanses enough or with strict enough compliance.
From Muneeza
Ever been on the low end of your health and feeling like you are never going to get out of it? Yeah, I know you have been there, so have I. And plain and simple, it sucks.
Here’s the truth, though – I love what Anthony William, Medical Medium shares – no two days are the same and things are always changing. And this too will pass. I hear you, WHEN? You ask. I cannot go on one more day like this. For those who have lower viral loads, or less aggressive viruses, or low levels of toxins or really great detox pathways, you may or may not have faced being on the utter brink of giving up with your health that I am talking about here. But those with chronic health issues where you cannot get up out of bed, or move, or do the things that you could do before, and are living a life FAR FAR different from the one you dreamed about, please know that there is hope. I know many of you are in chronic pain in your nerves, joints, muscles, bones, in your head with migraines and may be experiencing a really high level of viral symptoms, or having multiple viruses and bacteria as well as radiation and heavy metal toxicity… and you feel so bad you feel its not worth living this life.
You would never have before ever had these thoughts of not wanting to embody your physical being, but you feel so so terrible, that those thoughts are coming up daily. Its not worth living like this. I would rather die than continue.
Let me share something with you. If you are following Medical Medium protocols, eating fresh fruits and vegetables and supported with some key supplements for your health, you have access to and have implemented some of the best health care on planet earth. I ask you this, if you are eating food grown from Mother Earth, how can you not heal? My personal belief is that it is a question of when, not if.
You have to understand that we live in a very toxic world. We are faced with toxins DAILY that feed viruses. Our air is polluted with heavy metals, industrial waste, VOCs. Our water is polluted with fluoride, chlorine and all the drugs that are peed out by the prescription taking public. This can include birth control (yes, men and boys if you are drinking unfiltered water, you are getting doses of female birth control), antibiotics (you eat antibiotic free meat? You are still exposed by drinking tap water), and other drugs that people take. These are not necessarily filtered out of our water supply. Also there can be run off from farms and pesticides, also containing heavy metals and glyphosate and other dangerous chemicals. And what about our food supply? Its loaded with chemical fertilizers, pesticides and GMOs. Even our organic food contains some level of pesticide as it is not required to be 100% chemical free in order to be labelled organic.
Yes. I know. It sounds depressing. But I will tell you – those fruits and vegetables you are eating, are saving your life. Those herbal teas you are drinking, they pull all kinds of poisons out of your body. And you are detoxing daily by eating that way. So poisons are always being pulled out of you.
You may not be aware of this, but often in the most severe cases of malaise, you can experience more aggressive symptoms and pain as you are healing. Pain can be a huge symptom of the liver healing and letting go, in some cases.
Why do I share this? Well because it is only very recent that we have even become aware of all the information that Anthony William, Medical Medium has shared with us about how to heal and in the recent few years, its just not enough sometimes to see a complete healing. Many of us are finding his information in our 20’s, 30’s and 40’s, sometimes even later. So we have had tens of years eating wrong and being exposed to poisons. Those are not going to all come out and you heal in 6 months (although you can find that you do get better in 6 months, sometimes the journey is longer), sometimes we need 3-4 years for a full healing. I wish I could tell you that there was a one quick fix – there is not.
I personally have been dealing with a sluggish liver for years and my weight does not move like I want it to. I could get upset and depressed (and I have certainly been there), but because I do not like how that feels, I always look for the light. I feel peaceful inside often because I know that in time, I WILL heal. This is the message I want you all to know. No matter WHERE you are in your journey, no matter HOW bad you feel, you will heal. I have had breathing issues for YEARS. Literally not able to breathe, struggling. It really killed my nervous system. And after weeks and months of doing things right, I started to feel shifts. I have clients I know who are bed ridden or on very low function, and they slowly by doing the protocols have turned around, inch by inch.
Some people have the opposite problem – meaning that they lose weight too quickly. You have to know that weight is simply a function of the rest of your health and a stable healthy weight is what we eventually want to aim for. Sometimes when we lose weight too quickly we are letting go of some stuff that they body can do very quickly and we can put weight back on again. The problem is that most people who are either gaining weight or losing weight, think at the time, that this is a problem that will last forever. And it wont. Your body is always changing. I used to be a size 2 at one point on my healing journey. I am now a size 8-10. Can I be different? Yes. But I am not focused on the size of my clothing, and yet I UNDERSTAND how much of our energy as women is focused on to weight. If you are able to give yourself a gift through healing work, aim to disconnect your fixation on weight and size. All those things indicate where the state of our health is at but more weight does not equal unhealthy and less weight does not always equal healthy. At my size 2, I felt a little too gaunt in my body.
Also each of us has our unique blend of viruses, bacteria, heavy metals, pesticides etc. We have unique detoxification pathways in the body that in some of us work better than in others. So we have to be gentle with ourselves and our bodies. And while you may want to you push yourself to do a more aggressive detox, your body might not be able to handle it AT ALL and you have to go very slow. And I know the frustration this can bring. It SUCKS. In one word. SUCKS.
We crave things we are not supposed to eat and we can be so emotionally tied to what is happening in our bodies and it becomes hard to do the things we even want to. So i encourage you to get emotional support if you face this. It can be critical to get this support, because it can mean the difference between staying on track and not. If you find yourself around people who are not supporting your journey, or who create doubt for you, remove yourself from them. If you are in a group where there is a lot of fear, get out. The energy of fear does NOT help us. We have to be supported along our path. Yes, doubts happen, but there is no other person on this planet who has identified the viruses and poisons we face so CLEARLY as has Anthony William, Medical Medium and the pathway to heal, from Spirit of Most High. We are pioneers healing our bodies this way. And there are tens of thousands of examples of success here, where people had NO success using other methods or diets.
If you are struggling, I want you to remember this:
- everything changes
- you have the best health care plan
- it is possible to 100% heal for every human in this world
- you are facing poisons every day, so there are times those can trigger flares
- You will heal even if you experience flares
- if something is not working, we have still more work to do
- it is really scary when you experience symptoms that are new, and you don’t know where they are from
- you are LOVED
- you WILL HEAL its a question of when, not if.
All of you who are on a healing journey and struggling: you have my total respect and compassion. I want you to KNOW this.
I am with you. I am praying for you. I support you.
Together we heal.
From Cacey Scott
Making this perspective change was life altering in the best ways on so many levels
I was never a man of God or faith, but when I hit rock bottom that’s where I turned
But it wasn’t in a biblical way sorta speak, it was in how can I become the best version of myself and truly embody the unconditional love of God
The first step was stop living from the societal “norms” and expectations, those will break you down when you get chronic illness
I started living by what God wants me to do and what he wants me to learn and I had to practice this new way of being everyday until I became that and felt it in my heart
Things I had to learn & embody: ✔️it’s ok to be right where I am ✔️what’s happening is for my greatest good ✔️forgiving myself and others ✔️growing my strength ✔️loving myself through whatever I’m going through ✔️being authentically myself ✔️letting go of fear ✔️embracing each moment like it was a training lesson from God (because it was) ✔️our answers are found within us ✔️being at peace in the present moment ✔️trusting my boss to provide for me everything I need in the moment I need it to heal ✔️don’t play a victim to anything life is demanding of you ✔️sticking to my values ✔️leading with intention and love ✔️nothing outside of me can make me happy ✔️focus and take action on what I desire and give the rest to God ✔️keep the body calm, the heart grateful and surrender the rest to God ✔️open your heart ✔️don’t project your pain onto others ✔️being disciplined in my choices on what is best serving me ✔️trusting my body ✔️believing in myself ✔️don’t focus on the pain, focus on the light ✔️God always knows what’s best for us
I had a vision of the highest healthiest version of myself and what I wanted to do with that in the future
Than Everything I went through become a lesson to help me get to that place which I’m still working towards
if I didn’t do this the EGO gets in the way of my healing
I was taught how to thrive while suffering
God will literally become your boss when you shift your perspective and begin doing this and you’ll be guided to every step of what it takes to fully heal I wake up every morning first thing opening my eyes & speak, “Good morning God, (I thank him/her/love for everything I have) and than I Say, God I work for you, I’m here on every level because of you, use me as you need me, I devote my life to you, let’s bring in the new earth and finish this training(as in fully heal)” It doesn’t matter what’s happening in the world, it doesn’t matter what others say to me or are doing, I’m learning as much as I can, doing the best I can to heal and serve and God is helping me embody unconditional love from within. This is the path to full health, your higher self and how you overcome any darkness you’re experiencing.? I’ve come to feel like i have best friend who loves me unconditionally enough to teach me what’s real and true and is right by my side in every moment. I feel tremendous peace in my being when I’m in prayer and when I’m surrendered. That’s why I see chronic illness as an opportunity to become empowered with the light and live a better life, but first you just go through the training. Surrender. Believe. Trust. Consistency. Patience. ???♂️?????
疾病和疗愈的各方面信息,以及安友们的实践分享记录。网站内容仅供信息分享,不作为临床医疗指导,不用于任何诊断指导或治疗依据。这些信息不是为了用作病患教育,也不建立任何患者与医生的关系,请读者理性阅读理解参考,本网站及负责人不承担任何相关法律责任。急症请及时就医! ~ ~愿大家健康快乐平安哈!