西芹汁如何帮助疗愈甲基化问题和MTHFR基因检测问题 MTHFR & Methylation Issues






How Celery Juice Helps Heal MTHFR Gene Mutations and Methylation Issues

Celery juice can reduce the elevated homocysteine levels associated with patients diagnosed with MTHFR (methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase) gene mutations. Homocysteine levels rise when the liver is chronically inflamed, and celery juice aids the liver by recharging, rejuvenating, and replenishing it, while also cleansing the liver of the high elevation of toxins that tend to inhabit it. A common type of toxin in the liver comes from viral waste. When viruses such as EBV are active in the body, they excrete debris in the liver, and as these toxins build up long term, they wreak havoc by inflaming the organ. Celery juice neutralizes these toxins, both in the liver and throughout the bloodstream. Even if someone doesn’t have an elevated homocysteine level, the cause of what’s labeled as an MTHFR gene mutation is the same: a chronic viral load, whether low grade or elevated, inside the liver, causing the organ to become overburdened and weakened. The inflammation here is not just in the liver; it can be throughout the whole body, even without homocysteine markers. Inflammation rises when viral toxins are flooding the bloodstream, and that’s what triggers a positive on an MTHFR gene mutation test—which is really an inflammation test.


Celery juice’s sodium cluster salts help neutralize and lower the amount of viral toxins floating through the bloodstream and elevating inflammation. Celery juice helps flush these toxins out of the liver, bloodstream, and kidneys. The folate in celery juice is also critical for people struggling with methylation issues and MTHFR gene mutation diagnoses, because this form of folate is so easy to convert for a weak, struggling liver that’s not methylating properly. Once the liver is healthier from long-term celery juice, it can start to methylate properly again, which is vital, since receiving vitamins and other nutrients from the intestinal tract, converting them, sometimes storing them, and releasing them into the bloodstream in more bioavailable form is one of the liver’s most important functions. This can lower inflammation throughout the body and reverse an MTHFR gene mutation test result.


If this sounds confusing, know that it has happened for many: an initial gene mutation test has come back positive, and then after applying the right healing techniques, a follow-up test has shown that someone no longer has a gene mutation. It tends to baffle physicians. The truth is that once you recover the liver using larger quantities of celery juice and other healing approaches that you can read about in the Medical Medium series, you can clean up what’s really a misinterpreted and ambiguous diagnosis. If this new line of thinking has you rattled, look into Liver Rescue so you can discover the full truth about MTHFR gene mutations.


第三本书 关于甲状腺


第四本 -肝脏救援,肝脏问题是所有疾病的起源


第五本 关于西芹汁是如何能够疗愈两百多种病症的。






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