但导致肾脏疾病最常见的原因是病原体造成的损伤,当病毒或细菌通过血管或泌尿道进入肾脏时,会导致病原体性损伤。导致这种情况的最常见病毒是人类疱疹病毒6型、7型(HHV-6、HHV-7) 和 EB病毒,而我们对此却一无所知。当病毒导致肾脏炎症时,医生很容易错误地认为是免疫系统在攻击腺体。
How Celery Juice Helps Kidney diseases and Kidney stones
Kidney injury is what leads to kidney dysfunction and disease. Now, kidney injury can come in different forms. One form is toxic injury from pharmaceuticals, recreational drugs, toxic heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, and solvents.”
“By far the most common cause of kidney disease is pathogenic injury, which results when viruses or bacteria enter the kidney via blood vessels or the urinary tract. The most common viruses that cause this are HHV-6, HHV-7, and EBV—and they’re under the radar of medical research and science as far as kidney disease goes. When a virus inflames a kidney, a physician will often mistakenly believe that it’s the immune system attacking the gland. When it comes to kidney tumors and cysts, whether cancerous or benign, viruses play a role in creating them, too. In the case of bacterial kidney infections, strep is a common cause; it’s also responsible for urinary tract infections (UTIs) that turn into severe kidney infections.
And then there’s food injury. Diets high in protein shorten the life of the kidneys. The popularity of high-protein diets is quite extraordinary considering that even medical research and science are aware that people with even a slight kidney issue cannot consume too much protein. High-protein diets are high in fat, too, and that combination creates a lot of wear and tear on the kidneys, bogging them down, tiring them out, and setting the stage for pathogens, or any of the other injury sources we just examined, to push the kidneys over the edge.
Especially if you’re going through dialysis or another complicated kidney procedure, speak to your doctor before applying anything to your life, including celery juice. If your doctor is comfortable with it, know that celery juice is gentle on the kidneys and in small dosages can be very helpful. As with any kidney problem or disease, large dosages of anything are not ideal, whether large dosages of medicine, animal protein, plant-based protein, or certain supplements. Even with celery juice, we still need to be respectful and mindful that when kidneys are in a weakened, problematic state, more isn’t necessarily best. Small dosages of celery juice can provide those suffering with kidney disease with trace minerals, vitamin C, and some sodium cluster salts to fight off pathogens responsible for most kidney dysfunction. Small dosages of celery juice also help rejuvenate the kidneys from toxic damage caused by sources such as chemical exposure or long-term exposure to excess protein. The adrenals struggle when the kidneys weaken, and celery juice’s plant hormones help restore the adrenal glands, too.
Celery juice also helps diminish and dissolve kidney stones, which are produced from high-protein, high-fat diets. Kidney stones can be protein-based or calcium-based or even some of both. Celery juice creates pits and divots on the stones, which is what allows them to break down and dissolve. It can also be a great kidney stone preventative. While it’s not a complete assurance that you won’t develop kidney stones if you’re still eating a high-fat diet, it can help counteract some of the effects of the protein and fat overload.
第三本书 关于甲状腺
第四本 -肝脏救援,肝脏问题是所有疾病的起源
第五本 关于西芹汁是如何能够疗愈两百多种病症的。
疾病和疗愈的各方面信息,以及安友们的实践分享记录。网站内容仅供信息分享,不作为临床医疗指导,不用于任何诊断指导或治疗依据。这些信息不是为了用作病患教育,也不建立任何患者与医生的关系,请读者理性阅读理解参考,本网站及负责人不承担任何相关法律责任。急症请及时就医! ~ ~愿大家健康快乐平安哈!