严重的雷诺综合症是我从 16 岁起就与之斗争的一种疾病。
一开始并不严重,但随着时间的流逝,我的血液变得更加粘稠和肮脏(感谢安东尼威廉揭示了雷诺综合症的真正原因 - 肮脏血液症)
这是一段漫长的疗愈之旅,但值得所有的付出。与 2 年前相比,我的处境好了很多。图中的结果意味着一切。
雷诺 = 肮脏血液症 = 停滞肝脏的毒素回流到血液中。
Repost from @holisti_klee
It’s been a long healing journey but worth all of the effort. I’m in such a better place compared to 2 years ago.
Severe raynauds is a disease that’s expected to get worse. It makes it essentially impossible to do “normal” tasks that involve your hands
??Dressing your baby or helping your toddler get dressed
Besides failing lungs that were connected to me having Scleroderma, this phenomenon was one of the most debilitating symptoms I have experienced bc it was not only a visual symptom but I couldn’t use my hands to do normal functioning everyday tasks so I was literally held me back from a better quality of life. I found myself constantly reminded of my progressive disease and hid my hands from people which eventually led me to being more reserved and not expressing myself in a way that was most natural to my inner-being which led to some depression and lots of anxiety.
I learned to hide my hands so well that most people didn’t even know I had raynauds. I avoided any social event where my hands would be seen like client dinner events or dancing.
At one point I remember being in a store and a man asked me if I had “paint” on my hands. I was so embarrassed that I lied and said “yes, it didn’t wash off well” just to avoid the truth of something I couldn’t control.
These Results are everything.
Thank you @medicalmedium for the information that has helped my self confidence and allowed for me to express more of my inner-being!
Severe raynauds is a disease that I battled since I was 16 years old.
It didn’t start out severe but as the years went on my blood became more thick and dirty(thank you AW for the real cause)
Every doctor I have ever been to has told me that my case of raynauds is the worst they have ever seen. My hands have been photographed for science and used many times for learning purposes as examples of severe cases of raynauds for people in the medical field. Over the years I have worked with some of the top specialist in the world to help find answers to these rare diseases. I have tried nitro paste in the webbing of my fingers, nerve stimulation, viagra, calcium channel blockers, beta blocker, anti-anxiety meds and a few other medications to help with the severity of the degree at which my raynauds was. I would find short term relief accompanied with several poor side effects but ultimately my body would adapt and the medication would no longer provide much relief at all.
I even considered a rare surgery but the possibility of loosing feelings and mobility was higher than the rate of successful cases.
Thank you God for All the Medical Medium Books and the free information Anthony Williams has kindly given to this world. It’s been two years of cleaning my blood and healing through a MM lifestyle and I will never stop bc of the way it has helped my body that was once eroding.
My doctors are no longer talking about gangrene from the ulcers and finger amputations, they aren’t saying much at all these days which is a true blessing!
Raynauds = dirty blood=clogged liver backing up into the bloodstream
If you’re battling this disease you need to tend to your liver in a way that western medicine doesn’t understand nor can teach.

第三本书 关于甲状腺
第四本 -肝脏救援,肝脏问题是所有疾病的起源
第五本 关于西芹汁是如何能够疗愈两百多种病症的。