原创 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2022-09-16 原文文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/15669.html
1. 在 3 个月大的时候,我患上了湿疹,并接受了类固醇治疗。
2. 3 岁时,我得了肺结核。
3. 在 6 岁时,我患有哮喘,并与多处胸部和上呼吸道感染作斗争,包括多处扁桃体和腺样体肿胀。
4. 我的祖父是一名顺势疗法医生,他向我的父母建议不要通过手术切除我的腺样体,而是尝试顺势疗法。他们做了,而且奏效了。
5. 我一生中服用过超过 145 个疗程的抗生素和多个疗程的类固醇。
6. 在我年轻的时候,我呼吸困难。一些简单的事情,例如笑得太多或哭得太多,都可能导致哮喘发作。我也很疲倦,很累。
7. 十几岁的时候,我体重增加了很多,并且经常被取笑。我也有青春痘和严重疲劳。
8. 在我 20 多岁的时候,我继续与疲劳作斗争。我的经期很糟糕:第一天总是在床上度过,头两天无法工作。
9. 我是一个非常愤怒、情绪化的人。内心冲突很长时间。
10. 和丈夫在美国生活的第一年,我因哮喘发作和神秘的过敏反应进了急诊室 8 次。然后我去看了一位过敏症专家,也是顶尖的肺科医生之一,但症状并没有好转。
11. 在那段时间里,我与很多情绪压力作斗争,因为我很孤独,想念我的家人。因此,我开始出现以前从未有过的症状,比如头痛和全身炎症。
12. 在美国呆了 2 年后,我服用了 7 种不同的处方药,这是我一生中服用最多的。
13. 之后,有人告诉我不要尝试生孩子,因为药物可能会导致出生缺陷。这让我陷入了深深的抑郁。
14. 在此期间,我在 NBC 担任体验店首席财务官,然后被提升为运营部门的财务总监,并且不得不保留这两个全职工作。
15. 这种情况的压力导致我精神崩溃,以至于无法去上班。所以我最终大部分时间都在家工作。
16. 然后,我对多种化学敏感性产生了奇怪的过敏反应。我脸上长了荨麻疹、皮疹和奇怪的肿胀。有好几次,我醒来时眼睛肿,嘴唇和舌头刺痛肿胀,或者半张脸浮肿。
17. 没有人能帮我弄清楚我出了什么问题。
18. 斋月2005 年 12 月:我跪在地板上的祈祷垫上,对神感到愤怒。“我为什么要受苦?为什么我一个人?”
19. 我听到一个声音说:“你并不孤单”,我眼泪涌了出来,并没有停止落下。我感觉到一种瞬间的联系,我身体的紧张感消失了。我感觉被神牵着。
20. 一个祈祷从我的灵魂深处浮现,“神,如果你告诉我如何疗愈我身体的真相,我将把我的生命献给你送我来到地球上的目的。”
21. 那天晚上,我怀着无比平静的心情上床睡觉。我的生活再也不一样了。
22. 不久之后,一个朋友递给我一本关于炎症的书。这本书谈到去除可能使身体发炎的食物,所以我毫不拖延地一夜之间不吃蛋、奶制品、肉类、谷物和糖。
23. 在进行这些更改后的 2 周内,我感受到了巨大的进步。我不知道我正在减少喂食病原体的食物,更不用说我意识到我体内实际上有病原体。但这一切都是后来我遇到安东尼威廉时候知道的。
24. 在严格限制饮食一年后,我决定上营养学校。食物对我身体的疗愈力量如此不可思议,我即将开始的个人疗愈之旅
25. 在学校,我了解了传统中医、Weston Price 饮食、阿育吠陀饮食、Southbeach 饮食、生食饮食、素食饮食、纯素饮食、血型饮食、宗教饮食、抗念珠菌饮食、全食植物性饮食,原始人饮食,榨汁饮食等等。
26. 我也尝试了其中的一些饮食,发现我的身体在生食饮食中感受到了强大的共鸣和活力。
27. 在我从综合营养研究所毕业之前,我生下了我的第一个女儿。
28. 第二年我生了第二个女儿。
29. 两次连续怀孕,我感觉非常不舒服。我体重增加了很多,非常疲惫。
30. 我出现了 20 多种症状,包括脑雾、耳鸣、水肿、眩晕、食物敏感、肠漏、念珠菌、潮热、身体冰冷等等。我很痛苦。
31. 最困扰我的症状是上半身湿疹。我尝试的一切都有一点帮助,但它总是会回来。即使我接受了所有营养方面的培训,了解植物性饮食的疗愈能力,并认识健康潮流的引领人,我仍然无法得到健康问题的答案。
32. 就在我遇到安东尼之前,我在 2011 年又怀孕了,这次怀孕并没有成功,因为我太累了,很不舒服。我在将近 14 周时失去了孩子,对此我感到难以置信的难过。不管你有多少孩子,你失去的孩子仍然对你影响力非常大。
33. 一位朋友让我联系安东尼威廉。我没有什么可失去的,所以我打电话给他预约了。
34. 与他通电话后的 2 分钟内,他看到了困扰我一生的所有健康问题。他告诉我所有症状的根本原因。他告诉我应该做些什么来改善我的健康并去除我已经存在了近 2.5 年的症状。
35. 人生第一次,终于有人完全了解我;我与身体疾病和情绪不安的斗争。
36. 我开始感觉好多了。我做了安东尼的所有建议,发现自己每天都在进步。
37. 我感到如释重负,并有能力为我的疗愈找到正确的道路。
38. 在我第一次咨询安东尼后不久,我怀上了我的第三个孩子。
39. 我很幸运能在这个时候遇到安东尼威廉。他在整个怀孕期间都在帮助我。
40. 虽然我不得不调整怀孕期间的疗愈方案,但我能够在大约 6 个月内清除湿疹症状。
41. 生完孩子后,我继续疗愈。那时我服用的补充剂很少,但我加入了许多疗愈食物。我对我的产后非常紧张,但我并没有像前两次怀孕那样肿胀。我没有严重的疲劳。我没有以前那种病态的产后感觉。(注:女性怀孕生育过程对于健康影响非常大,这也是为什么许多女性在生育后会出现症状爆发的原因)。
42. 我知道安东尼威廉所教的是真相和真正的金子。
43. 2016 年夏天,我们失去了婆婆,那是一个非常紧张的时期。我丈夫不得不回巴基斯坦一个月,即使他回来后,他也很难过,我们都深深地感受到了那种情况的压力。
44. 2016 年 9 月:我接触了一种化学物质,让旧的哮喘和呼吸症状爆发。我并不感到惊讶,因为我知道我的身体很弱。
45. 在家处理了一个月后,安东尼威廉坚持让我去急诊室检查氧气。
46. 当我到达那里时,我的氧气是 67,而且非常低。我接受了三种呼吸治疗来稳定我的肺部和呼吸。我感觉好多了。
47. 我意识到在困难的症状中挣扎是没有意义的。我发誓再也不会让自己经历这样的事情了。
48. 此后不久,我开始进行维生素C静脉治疗以支持我的肺部和呼吸。这帮助我扭转了很多。
49. 开始静脉注射几个月后,我的左臂被一只非常危险且有毒的蜘蛛咬伤。
50. 当时,我甚至没有感觉到被咬。直到我在瑜伽课上做下犬式时差点摔倒,我才意识到我的手臂真的出了问题。
51. 我有一个轻微的红色标记,开始发炎并发展。一开始我以为是带状疱疹。但它看起来不像带状疱疹。
52. 我尝试联系安东尼威廉,但由于他那时正好出现了个人紧急情况,无法联系上。当我短暂地找到他时,他告诉我我被蜘蛛咬了,并告诉是什么。
53. 他还告诉我我需要做些什么才能变得更好:将维生素C静脉治疗从每周一次增加到每周 3 次,因为我的免疫系统正在削弱,我的健康开始真正挣扎。
54. 安东尼威廉还告诉我立即去看医生并服用抗生素。我简直不敢相信,在一年之内,安东尼威廉让我去看了两次医生!只有我最亲密的朋友知道整个故事(注:化学药物在紧急情况下有时是有必要的,先解决当下的急症,但重要的是不滥用,在紧急状况结束后,通过干净饮食和草本去除导致问题的根本原因:病毒和细菌,才是真正的解决方案,而不是每一次紧急情况都使用抗生素,抗生素长期在体内进一步喂养病原体,造成下一轮危机)。
55. 他还告诉我,我需要严格执行净化法,因为我的健康状况非常糟糕。当然,不需要要他告诉我,因为我知道。
56. 他还告诉我根据疼痛情况必要的话使用布洛芬(那时我已经有 11 年没有服用止痛药了),因为保护我的肾上腺对我来说同样重要(注:剧烈疼痛时身体会有大量肾上腺素分泌,过量肾上腺素同样也会伤害身体)。
57. 在被咬期间和之后,我的左臂一直到我的手都剧烈疼痛,导致我的手瘫痪。每当我试图用左手握一支笔时,就会掉下来滑出。我根本无法移动我的手臂。
58. 我还与慢性疲劳、脑雾、身体虚弱、全身肌肉酸痛和许多其他症状作斗争。
59. 我花了将近一年的时间补充剂、按摩、物理治疗、情感支持方案和大量祈祷,才摆脱了这种严重的情况。我非常感激我终于做到了。
60. 然而,从那时起,我的健康状况就不一样了。虽然我仍在从慢性病毒发作和忙于处理毒素的肝脏中康复,但我知道我的身体在阻止它们进入我的心脏和大脑方面做得非常出色。
61. 我知道有一天我会从这次经历中完全疗愈,那时我感觉自己已经完成了 70% 的路程。我认为在这么短的时间内恢复到我所拥有的程度完全是一个奇迹。由于这次经历,我比以往任何时候都更深入地认识和发现了神。
62. 与安东尼威廉一起工作帮助我找到了实相和我的真实身份。
63. 找到这条路和这种疗愈给了我很多平静。
64. 和我们一样,我仍然在人生的起起落落中循环,但现在我找到了一条让我平静的道路。
65. 疗愈我的身体让我开启了我的人生道路、真正的目的,最重要的是,我来到地球的原因。
66. 不可否认,我知道我来到世上是为了做神的工作,并承诺自己会这样做。
67. 与安东尼威廉一起工作帮助我更接近神。通过安东尼威廉的方法,我的身体不仅一次又一次地得到了疗愈,而且我在灵性上发生了转变,加深了我对神如何支持我们、爱我们和帮助我们的完全信心。
68. 我亲身体验到,在我们的个人疗愈之旅中,我们每个人都充满信心。
现在你比开始阅读这 68 件事时更了解我和我从疾病到健康和幸福的旅程!愿我的故事激发你的希望,无论你经历了怎样的挣扎……健康和幸福也是你与生俱来的权利。我祈祷我们都可以以各种方式互相帮助。
神经症状揭秘 (头晕、耳鸣、疲劳、疼痛、刺痛、麻、抽搐痉挛、四肢无力、焦虑和惊恐等)
Today I want to share my personal healing journey with you. To begin, let me start with the things that many of you may not know about my younger years:
1. At the age of 3 months, I had full blown eczema and was treated with steroids.
2. At age 3, I had tuberculosis.
3. At age 6, I had asthma and struggled with multiple chest and upper respiratory infections, including multiple instances of swollen tonsils and adenoids.
4. My grandfather was a homeopath and suggested to my parents that instead of having my adenoids removed surgically that they try homeopathy. They did it and that worked.
5. I have had over 145 courses of antibiotics and multiple courses of steroids in my life.
6. During my younger years, I struggled to breathe. Something simple, such as laughing too much, or crying too much, could lead to an asthma attack. I was also sluggish and tired a lot.
7. As a teenager, I put on a lot of weight and was constantly made fun of. I also had acne and lots of fatigue.
Some Of My Darkest Days:
8. In my 20’s, I continued to struggle with fatigue. My periods were awful: I always spent the first day in bed and the first two days missing work.
9. I was a very angry, emotional person. As a result, I was very conflicted for a long time.
10. In the first year of living in the United States with my husband, I was in the ER 8 times with asthma attacks and mystery allergic reactions. Then I saw an allergist and one of the top pulmonologists in the country, and yet the symptoms did not get better.
11. I struggled with a lot of emotional stress during that time as I was lonely and missed my family. Consequently, I started having symptoms I’d never had before, like headaches and inflammation all over my body.
12. After 2 years of being in the United States, I was on 7 different prescription medications, the most I’d been on in my life.
13. Afterwards, I was told that I should not try to have a baby because the medications could cause birth defects. This plummeted me into deep depression.
My Nervous Breakdown:
14. During this time, I worked for NBC as CFO for the NBC experience store and was then promoted to Director of Finance for their operations division and had to retain both full time jobs.
15. The stress of this situation led to a nervous breakdown and I was unable to even go to work by the end of my time there. So I ended up mostly working from home.
16. Then, I developed strange allergic reactions in response to multiple chemical sensitivities. I got hives, rashes and weird swellings on my face. Multiple times I woke up with an eye swollen shut or my lips and tongue tingling and swelling or half my face puffy and swollen.
17. No one could help me figure out what was wrong with me.
A Turning Point:
18. Ramadhan, December 2005: I prostrated on the floor on a prayer mat, angry with God. “Why am I suffering? Why am I alone?”
19. I heard a voice say, “You are not alone.” Tears welled up and did not stop falling. I felt an instant connection and the tension in my body went away. I felt held by God.
20. A prayer emerged from the depths of my soul, “God, if you show me the truth in how to heal my body, I will commit my life to the purpose for which you sent me here on earth.”
21. That night I went to bed with so much peace in my heart. My life was never the same again.
Help Appeared:
22. Soon after, a friend handed me a book about inflammation. The book talked about removing foods that could inflame the body, so without delay, I cut out eggs, dairy, meat, grains and sugar overnight.
23. Within 2 weeks of making these changes, I experienced a DRASTIC improvement. I did not know that I was cutting out foods that feed pathogens, much less did I realise that I actually had pathogens in my body. But that was all to come later when I would meet Anthony William, Medical Medium.
Nutrition School & Discovering Raw:
24. After a year of being on this very restricted diet, I decided to go to nutrition school. I could not believe the power that food had on my body and my imminent personal healing journey
25. At school, I learned about Traditional Chinese Medicine, Weston Price diet, Ayurvedic diets, Southbeach diet, Raw food diet, vegetarian diets, vegan diets, blood type diet, religious diets, Anti-Candida diets, whole foods plant based diets, paleo diets, juicing diets and more.
26. I also tried some of these diets and discovered the powerful resonance and vitality my body felt on the raw foods diet.
Becoming A Mother:
27. I gave birth to my first daughter right before I graduated from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.
28. I gave birth the following year to my second daughter.
29. I felt really unwell with two back to back pregnancies. I put on tons of weight and was very fatigued.
30. I developed over 20 symptoms including brain fog, tinnitus, edema, vertigo, food sensitivities, leaky gut, candida, hot flashes, freezing cold body and more. I was miserable.
31. The symptom that plagued me the most was eczema all over my upper body. Everything I tried helped for a little bit, but it always came back. Even with all my training in nutrition and understanding the healing power of plant-based diets, and having access to the top leaders in the health movement, I was unable to get answers to my health issues.
32. Right before I met Anthony, I became pregnant again in 2011 and this pregnancy did not carry, because I was so worn out and really not feeling well. I lost the baby at almost 14 weeks and I was unbelievably sad about it. The baby miscarried into my palm. I guess it does not matter how many children you have, the one you lose is still really impactful.
Meeting Anthony William, Medical Medium:
33. A friend told me to contact Anthony William. I had nothing to lose, so I called him and booked an appointment.
34. Within 2 minutes of being on the phone with him, he identified all the health issues that plagued me my entire life. He told me the root causes of all the symptoms. He told me what I should do to improve my health and clear the symptoms that had been with me for almost 2.5 years at this point that would just not go away.
35. For the first time in my life, someone finally understood me completely; my struggles with physical illness and emotional upset.
36. I started to feel better. I did all of the protocols Anthony suggested and found myself improving every day.
37. I felt relieved and empowered to find the right path for my healing.
My 3rd Pregnancy:
38. Soon after my first consultation with Anthony, I became pregnant with my third child.
39. I was so blessed to be a client of his at this time. He helped me throughout the pregnancy.
40. Although I had to adjust the protocols I was on while I was pregnant, I was able to clear the eczema symptoms in about 6 months.
41. After I gave birth, I continued to heal. I was on very few supplements, but I was able to do all the food protocols. I was SO nervous about my postpartum, but I did not bloat and swell up like my prior two pregnancies. I did not have severe fatigue. I did not have the sickly postpartum feeling I did prior.
42. I knew what Medical Medium was teaching was truth and pure gold.
Spiraling Of Symptoms:
43. Summer of 2016, we lost my mother-in-law and it was an extremely stressful time. My husband had to go back to Pakistan for a month and even after he returned he took it really hard and we all experienced the stress of that situation in a deep way.
44. September 2016: I had a chemical exposure that spiraled me back into my old asthma and breathing symptoms. I was not surprised as I knew my system was weak.
45. I handled it naturally at home for almost a month before Anthony insisted I go to the ER and get my oxygen checked.
46. When I arrived there, my oxygen was 67 and dangerously low. I was given three breathing treatments to stabilize my lungs and breathing. I felt so much better.
47. I realized that there is no point in struggling through difficult symptoms. I vowed to never push myself through anything like that ever again.
48. Soon after this, I started Vit C IV therapy treatments to support my lungs and breathing. It helped to turn me around so much.
My Biggest Health Challenge Yet:
49. A couple of months after starting my IV, I was bitten by a very dangerous and poisonous spider in my left arm.
50. At the time, I did not even feel the bite. It wasn’t until I almost fell down in yoga class doing a downward dog pose that I realized something was really wrong with my arm.
51. I had a slight red mark that was inflamed and starting to grow. At first I thought it was shingles. But it did not look like shingles. The sheer pain I was going through was why I thought of that.
52. I tried contacting Anthony, but he was very unavailable at this time due to a personal emergency of his own. When I briefly got a hold of him, he told me that I had a bite and told me what it was.
53. He also told me what I needed to do to get better: increase the IV therapy from once a week to three times a week because my immune system was tanking and my health was starting to struggle in a real way.
54. Anthony also told me to immediately go to the doctor and get an antibiotic. I could not believe that within a year, Anthony had told me to go to the doctor twice! Only my closest friends knew this whole story.
55. He also told me that I needed to do the protocols closely because my health was really struggling. Of course, he did not need to tell me that because I knew it was.
56. He also told me to take ibuprofen as needed for the pain (at that point I had not taken a painkiller in 11 years) and he told me it was equally important for me to protect my adrenals.
57. During and after the time of the bite, I struggled with severe excruciating pain in my left arm all the way down to my hand, rendering my hand paralysed. Whenever I tried to hold a pen in my left hand, it would fall and slip out. I could not move my arm at ALL.
58. I also struggled with chronic fatigue, brain fog, physical weakness, muscle aches everywhere and a host of other symptoms.
The Road To Recovery:
59. It took me almost one year of solid supplement, massage, physical therapy, emotional support protocols and lots and lots of prayer to come out of that acute situation. I am so deeply grateful that I finally did.
60. My health however, has not been the same since then. While I am still healing from a chronic viral flare and a liver that is busy processing out toxins and poisons, I know that my body did an amazing job at keeping them from reaching my heart and my brain.
61. I know that I will be fully healed one day from this experience, but for now, it already feels like I am 70% of the way there. I consider it a total miracle that I have recovered to the degree I have in such a short amount of time. As a result of this experience, I have come to know and find God in an even deeper way than ever before.
Finding My True Purpose:
62. Working with Anthony and the Medical Medium protocols helped me find my truth and who I truly am.
63. Finding this path and this healing has given me a lot of peace.
64. I still cycle through ups and downs in life, as we all do, but now I have found a path that brings me peace.
65. Healing my body opened me to my life path, true purpose and most important, reason for being here.
66. Undeniably, I know I am here on earth to do God’s work and have committed myself to doing that.
Faith & Spiritual Healing:
67. Working with Anthony William helped me get so much closer to God. Not only has my body healed again and again with the Medical MediumⓇ protocols, I’ve shifted spiritually and now have deepened my total faith in how God supports us, loves us and helps us.
68. I’ve come to know firsthand that there is so much faith for each of us in our personal healing journey.
Now you know more about me and my journey from sickness to health and wellbeing than you did when you started to read these 68 things! May my story inspire hope in you that no matter what struggles you’ve experienced… health and wellbeing are your birthright, too. I pray that we can all help each other, always and in all ways.
I invite you to read my full prayer for healing here.
疾病和疗愈的各方面信息,以及安友们的实践分享记录。网站内容仅供信息分享,不作为临床医疗指导,不用于任何诊断指导或治疗依据。这些信息不是为了用作病患教育,也不建立任何患者与医生的关系,请读者理性阅读理解参考,本网站及负责人不承担任何相关法律责任。急症请及时就医! ~ ~愿大家健康快乐平安哈!