原创 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2022-09-28 原文文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/15788.html
小肠细菌过度生长作为诊断名称经常被给予作为各种症状的解释,但实际上医学界对此并不了解,也不知道背后的原因,小肠细菌过度生长所指的细菌是链球菌。不幸的是,抗生素经常被用来治疗 小肠细菌过度生长。虽然这可以暂时让症状消退,但许多情况下,这会导致以后更严重的发作,因为链球菌会对抗生素产生抗药性,并变得更强壮。
大多数人说到链球菌,就会想到链球菌性咽喉炎。但这并不是链球菌引起的全部症状。在一个人的生活中,无论是早年还是晚年,都会发生许多其他链球菌相关病症,这是体内低度慢性链球菌感染的结果。 链球菌虽然是一种细菌,由于全世界长期过度使用抗生素,它在我们的“环境和世界”中获得了自己的力量。没错,抗生素将链球菌塑造成了今天的超级细菌。链球菌存在许多不同的群组、菌株和变体,我们对此尚不了解。
西芹汁是终极的链球菌斗士。其所含的钠簇盐在体内接触到链球菌时就会杀死坏链球菌,这对于许多病症都有惊人的疗愈效果。西芹汁的维生素 C 有助于增强免疫系统对抗链球菌相关疾病。其所含的多种微量矿物质有助于加强组织和器官,使其免受链球菌可能造成的损害。
摆脱链球菌感染是许多人从多种疾病中疗愈的原因之一,因为链球菌可以导致许多病症。如果你还年轻,可能只经历过青春痘、链球菌性咽喉炎或耳部感染,单独一种症状就可以很具有破坏性。随着一个人进入20- 30多岁,可能会开始出现其他与链球菌相关的问题:鼻窦炎、更严重的链球菌性咽喉炎、尿路感染、酵母菌感染等。随着时间的推移,也许有人会被诊断为小肠细菌过度生长或念珠菌。没有人告诉他们,因为没有人意识到所有这些看似无关、相隔多年的诊断背后的真凶都是链球菌,其中一些已经在体内存在了很长时间。随着肝脏变得更加虚弱和停滞,细菌往往会长期隐匿在肝脏内,建立菌落并造成越来越多的问题。西芹汁让我们能更好地管控链球菌。
Most people, when they think of Streptococcus bacteria, think of strep throat. That’s not all that strep causes. There’s a host of other conditions that occur in people’s lives, whether at earlier or later ages, that are the result of low-grade chronic strep inside the body. Strep is a type of bacteria that has built up its platform and strength in our “environment and world due to the overuse of antibiotics. That’s right: antibiotics have shaped and sculpted strep into what it is today. So many different groups, strains, and mutations of strep exist that medical research and science cannot keep up with them.
Strep throat is just one indication of strep. If you’re someone who took antibiotics early in life for a cough, flu, or childhood ear infection, that could have set the stage for future episodes of strep-related illnesses. What if you’re someone who’s never taken antibiotics before in your life? Does that mean you weren’t exposed to them? I’m sorry to say no. Antibiotics are in our water supply, they’re in our food, and they’re passed from generations before us through our family bloodline. As a result, almost everybody lives with one or multiple varieties of strep in their system. It’s a common bug that we all live with. When you have celery juice in your daily regimen, though, you don’t have to be a prisoner to strep.
Celery juice is the ultimate strep fighter. Its sodium cluster salts destroy strep on contact throughout the body, and that makes it amazing for the many conditions you’re about to examine. Celery juice’s vitamin C helps boost the immune system against strep-related illnesses. Its multitudes of trace minerals help strengthen tissue and organs from the damage that strep bacteria colonies can cause.
Healing from strep is one reason why so many people are healing from so many conditions—because it’s involved in so much. If you’re young, you might have only experienced acne, strep throat, or an ear infection—which probably doesn’t feel like an “only” since each condition can be so disruptive. As individuals enter their 20s and 30s, they may start to develop additional strep-related issues: sinusitis, even more strep throat, a UTI, a yeast infection. As time goes on, maybe someone receives a diagnosis of SIBO or Candida. What no one ever tells them—because no one realizes—is that all of these seemingly unrelated, years-apart diagnoses trace back to strep, some of which has been in the system for a long, long time. The bacteria tend to hide out long term inside the liver, building colonies and causing more and more trouble as the liver becomes more weakened, sluggish, and stagnant. Celery juice gives you more control over this bug than ever before
Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO), Candida, and Intestinal Cramping
Candida became a popular diagnosis years ago. The truth is that this form of fungus is not the problem everyone thinks it is. Candida is not a hazardous fungus; it’s actually helpful. It accumulates, prospers, and grows where bacteria are present—and it’s the bacteria that are problematic. Elevations of Candida are warning signs there’s an invader present: that elevations of strep are building, whether in the intestinal tract or elsewhere in the body.
SIBO is like the new Candida, diagnosed frequently to explain all manner of symptoms and yet not truly understood. Although medical research and science are not yet aware, the bacterial overgrowth in SIBO is always strep. Unfortunately, doctors frequently offer antibiotics to treat SIBO. While that can get symptoms to subside in the moment, in many cases, it leads to worse bouts later—because this is a case of strep becoming immune to antibiotics and growing stronger.
Whether it’s Candida or SIBO a practitioner has told you you’re struggling with, celery juice is an excellent remedy. When you consume the juice, it directly enters the digestive tract, slowly traveling through the small intestinal tract and annihilating strep cells there. Here’s an unexpected positive: celery juice will not hurt or hinder Candida as it goes. That’s exactly what you want, since Candida is a beneficial fungus. In a way, celery juice is even smarter than conventional wisdom, because it knows not to destroy beneficial microorganisms in the gut the way that antibiotics do; celery juice knows to leave Candida alone and go after strep instead. Candida’s job is to gobble up harmful substances in your intestinal tract so strep cannot feed off them. Once you’re destroying strep—the cause of SIBO—and cleansing those harmful substances that feed it by drinking celery juice, Candida will naturally go down to healthy levels. That is, Candida overgrowth is no longer needed when celery juice enters the system.
Whenever someone is dealing with SIBO, whether diagnosed or not, intestinal cramping and bloating usually occur. This comes from strep bacteria moving around the intestinal tract, creating little pockets of gas that can become uncomfortable. Celery juice addresses this by wiping out strep in the gut and assisting with digestion thanks to its digestive enzymes. (For more on bloating.)
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