【亚马逊评论区】Irina Park:文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/16212.html
有史以来最伟大的健康和灵性书籍!!! 上天的礼物!!!
我只读了安东尼新书《拯救大脑》 Brain Saver 的 5 章,我已经不知道说什么了,几乎是跪在地上默默表达敬畏。这正是我们在历史的这个时间点上生存和成长所需要的信息,书里涉及物理和形而上学领域。
这种来自慈悲高灵的简单而强大的疗愈信息,通过安东尼带给我们的信息,将帮助你从身体、情感和精神痛苦的灰烬中摆脱出来。安东尼信息的力量是无与伦比的,它们在不到 3 年的时间里把我从地狱里带了回来,考虑到我从小就遭受的慢性痛苦,这是非常了不起的。
我用安东尼的信息在 3 年内实践了西芹汁、柠檬水和重金属排毒果昔等简单的疗愈方案后,在深度的细胞层面治愈了我的身体、思想、精神和灵魂。
我过去几十年来一直遭受的病症,我在 3 年内通过安东尼信息完全或显着治愈的病症如下:
这些信息来自上面。 是纯正的疗愈必需品和更高级工具的经典:它基本上是一本关于如何死里逃生的手册,拯救大脑书籍是它迄今为止的王冠。Brain Saver 大脑书中的精神层面的工具非常强大,它们会以个人的速度温和地治愈我们。这不是“千篇一律”的信息。
早期的书籍,尤其是 Brain Saver 《拯救大脑》的配套书籍 Cleanse to Heal 《净化疗愈》和 Medical Medium: Revised and Expanded《慢性病修订版》 已经显着治愈了我和我所爱的人。这是上天赐予的礼物。
大脑书籍两本书Medical Medium Brain Saver 和 Brain Saver Protocols, Cleanses & Recipes 是更高的级别。它们是为我们进一步提升而写的,不仅恢复我们的身体健康,而且发展直觉并唤醒我们与生俱来的心理和心灵感应能力。
我在寻找痛苦,而我身上已经没有痛苦了。仅仅做了 3 年的 安东尼方法,我的灵魂里甚至连绝望的痕迹都找不到了。我默默地惊叹于光的伟大,以及光通过安东尼将这信息以简单明了的形式展示在我们面前。不再悲伤,不再痛苦,不再焦虑。怎么可能这么快就全部过去了?!如果这不算重生,那我不知道还能是什么。
Medical Medium Brain Saver Book 安东尼的新书大脑系列,是直接来自上面的一个智慧信息,这本书会让你和你的亲人获得自由,我敢肯定。祝你快乐康复!

I have only read 5 chapters from Medical Medium Brain Saver and I am already speechless and almost on my knees in silent awe. This is exaclty the information we need to survive and to thrive at this point in history: the material adresses both physical and metaphysical realms. It teaches us how to disburden our brains from foreign invaders that should not be there, invaders like metals and chemical poisons that were put in our brains by industries to keep us in chains of ignorance and despair. Not only will Medical Meidum Brain Saver rebuild your physical brain and body on a deep celular level but it will also strengthen your connection to the above by healing your soul.
This unsophisticated yet powerful healing information coming from Spirit of the Most High, a.k.a. the Spirit of Compassion via Anthony William, a.k.a. Medical Medium, will help you rise out of the ashes of physical, emotional and mental suffering in no time. The power of Medical Medium protocols are unmatched, they brought me back from hell in less than 3 years, which is remarkable taking into account the level of my chronic suffering since early in life. It was a silent numb suffering, dauntingly disempowering. I did not know back then that factors like viruses and toxic heathy metals were the root causes of my poor physical and psychological health. Since my body, spirit and soul were injured by unforgiving four (the term coined by Medical Medium encompassing radiation, viruses, toxic heavy metals and DDt), I was an easy prey to all kinds of physical and emotional pain. Medical Medium information healed my body, mind, spirit and soul on a deep celualar level, within only 3 years of applying simple Medical Medium tools like celery juice, lemon water and heavy metal detox smoothie.
I am so greatful to Anthony William, a.k.a. Medicam Medium for sharing this miraculous information from above and for being such an excellent listener and messanger of the profound truth that set me free! Symptoms and conditions I used to suffer from for decades that I healed either completely or considerably on Medical Medium protocols within 3 years are the following:
anxiety and depression; post-traumatic stress disorder; acne; obsessive compulsive disorder; trigeminal neuralgia; postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrom; blood sugar fluctuations; insulin resistance and upcoming pre-diabetes; ear infections; migraines and splitting headaches; chronic sinusitis; chronic strep throat; chronic colds and flues; chronic adrenal fatigue; extremely low blood pressure; extremely cold feet and hands; vagus nerve inflammation and dizziness; urinary tract infections; gastritis and gastric spasms; severe constipation; bloating; acid reflux; nail and hair problems; eye-flashes; brain fog; eating disorders like binging and bulimia. Medical Medium information also healed my severe coffee, black tea and chocolate addiction, as well as fat-addiction and vinegar-addiction.
The Medical Medium Books harbor the ultimate truth and are not the product of human thought. This information is from above. Medical Medium Books Series is a pure scripture of healing essentials and more advanced tools: it is basically a manual of how to rise out of the dead, Medical Medium Brain Saver being its crown sofar. The spiritual tools in Brain Saver are beyond potent, they will heal us gently and at an individual pace. It is not "all size fits all" information.
Earlier books, especially Brain Saver's companion books Cleanse to Heal and Medical Medium: Revised and Expanded have already healed me and my loved ones remarkably. It has been a gift from above. Medical Medium Brain Saver and Brain Saver Protocols, Cleanses & Recipes are the next level. They are written for us to rise above even further, not only regain our physical health but also develop intuition and awaken our inborn psychic and telephatic abilities. We cannot eliminate the current level of corruption, but with the Medical Medium information we can win over darkness by rising above, by staying protected, and by applying our God given talents and abilities. Battling darkness without actually fighting it seems fun to me - that is by rising above we simulteneously weaken the darkness with no additional effort. Isn't it amazing?
It is very hard to rise above and truly get better using the man-made modalities alone. My perception and experience of the world has changed dramatically from depression and anxiety to joy and fullfillment on Medical Medium protocols, which is a miracle.
Are you there suffering from chronic symptoms and conditions, thinking it is all your fault and there is nothing you could do? I used to belive it too, and I felt powerless. I also remember not having enough strength to comb my hair; being depressed, anxious and even suicidal; not being able to breathe through my nose, relying on acidic medication that burnt terribly und turned my nose linings into an open wound. I desperately wanted to get better, but the man-made modalities did not give me any relief from suffering.
Taking into account my recent past full of pain and suffering, how is it even possible that all of it is gone? I am looking for pain and there is not pain left in me. Not even the traces of despair can be found in my soul after doing Medical Medium protocols for only 3 years. I silently marvell at the greatness of Light and the simple yet potent Medical Medium protocols the Light is working through. There is no more grief, not more pain, no more anxiety. How is it even possible it is all gone so soon?! If it is not being born again, I do not know what is.
Medical Medium Brain Saver Book is a living word directly from above, this book will set you and your loved ones free, I am sure of it. Happy healing!
疾病和疗愈的各方面信息,以及安友们的实践分享记录。网站内容仅供信息分享,不作为临床医疗指导,不用于任何诊断指导或治疗依据。这些信息不是为了用作病患教育,也不建立任何患者与医生的关系,请读者理性阅读理解参考,本网站及负责人不承担任何相关法律责任。急症请及时就医! ~ ~愿大家健康快乐平安哈!