我从出生起就患有慢性疾病,但直到我 7 岁才诊断出虹膜炎(现在称为葡萄膜炎),那时候情况已经变得非常糟糕。而且在那之后,一切变得越来越糟。每年都有新的症状出现。
Medical Medium 安东尼的甲状腺疗愈书恰逢其时进入了我的生活。我的祈祷得到了回应。宇宙要我治愈。我还没有完成我在这个星球上的目的,所以我还不能死。我不得不治愈。我已经准备好疗愈了。这是一段艰苦的旅程,我不会粉饰它。当你超级敏感并且接近死亡时,一开始用MM信息疗愈时是非常困难的。但这是值得的。
第一次阅读 Medical Medium/SOC 的文字时,我感到回到真正的家了。这些信息,我生病的原因,是有道理的。我在家,我在疗愈,我的家人、朋友和医生都认为我疯了。他们希望我回到药物和医生那里。他们想让我去那些有名气的诊所,做更多的检查。我说不。我一遍又一遍地拒绝。我很高兴我做到了。
五年多来,我一直在做 Medical Medium 安东尼疗愈方法,我几乎扭转了所有症状。但是现在我有了这本书,《拯救大脑》The Brain Saver,我发现我真的病了。这本书让我打开眼界,解放了我的灵魂,让我终于意识到我不是一个坏人,我的病没有错,我并没有真正了解自己。
感谢 AW 和 SOC 提供这本书。我的思绪被酒精一章所震撼,帮助我更多地了解我的父母和家人,他们一生都沉迷于酒精。这让我看到,我们当中有很多人生病了,而且以很多不同的方式生病,我们必须看到这一点。我们必须对他人充满同情心,即使他们对我们没有这样。
无论如何,我希望,如果您对MM信息不熟悉,您可以试一试。所有信息在 Medical Medium 网站上都是免费的。也可以查看免费的苹果播客。它们令人惊叹,并且很好地提醒了这些信息,在阅读了这些书籍后,您会忘记其中的一些内容,因为它们中包含的信息太多了。大量的疗愈信息。当你拿到这本书时,准备好在人生最大的意义上进行改变。祝大家健康快乐!
I've been sick with chronic illnesses since I was born but it didn't start getting really bad until I was 7 years old with a diagnosis of iritis which they now call uveitis. After that, things got worse and worse. Every year was a new symptom. By the time I was in my early twenties, I had lost all faith in doctors and the medical industry. I had tried just about everything, been to dozens of doctors and specialists including one lady my mom referred to as "the witch doctor", read countless books and articles, watched several documentaries about health and our enviornment, and even tried religious stuff from various religions. None of it worked. The drugs the doctors had me on almost killed my liver. I was basically dying at the age of 22.
Doctors, therapists, nurses, and family members were telling me that it was my fault. They didn't believe that when I was seven years old but as an adult, they truly believed I was crazy. Yet, I wasn't. This led to a boat load of anger. An anger so intense that it exhausted me to the point of getting on my knees and praying to God to either cure me or kill me. I was waking up every morning upset that I woke up, that I was still alive. I just wanted to die. The pain was that bad. But what was worse was the feeling of being alone. I had no one that understood me. My entire life everyone thought I was weird. I was tired of being the black sheep of the family. I was tired of being laughed at by doctors. I was tired of losing friends. I was tired of people forcing me to do things I didn't want to do. I was ready to die. I had never been afraid of death and I welcomed it with open arms, but God said, "Eh, no."
Medical Medium's Thyroid Healing Book landed into my life at just the right time. My prayer was answered. The universe wanted me to heal. I hadn't completed my purpose on this planet yet, so I couldn't die yet. I had to heal. I was ready to heal. IT WAS HARD WORK. I will not sugarcoat it. Healing with Medical Medium in the beginning is very difficult when you're super sensitive and that close to death. But IT IS WORTH IT.
The first time I read Medical Medium/SOC's words I felt at home. I felt heard. The information, the cause of my illnesses, made sense. I was home. I was healing. My family, friends, and doctors thought I was nuts. They wanted me to go back to drugs and the doctors. They wanted me to go to one of those prestigious clinics and have tons of more tests done. I said no. I said it again and again. And I'm glad I did.
I've beeing doing Medical Medium protocols for over five years now, and I have reversed almost all of my symptoms. But now that I have this book, The Brain Saver, I'm discovering just how sick I truly was. The brain saver shots have opened my eyes and freed my soul in a way that has made me finally realize that I'm not a bad person, I'm not at fault for my illnesses, and that I don't really know myself. Illness, especially at such a young age, changes you. It changes your thoughts, personality, choices etc. With this new Medical Medium book series, I'm coming back to myself more and more. It's terrifying to find out that the industries and bad people in the world have made me sick to prevent me from being me, the me God always intended for me to be. Which is wild, free, compassionate, kind, artistic, and at peace.
Thank you AW and SOC for this book. My mind was blown away by the alcohol chapter, helping me understand more about my parents and family who have been addicted to alcohol my entire life. It's made me see that there are sooooo many of us sick out there and sick in sooooo many diffrent ways and we HAVE TO see that. We have to be compassionate to others even when they aren't to us.
Also, thank you for the new extracter smoothie. It's a unique taste, but I can already feel after a week of doing it that it's helping me.
Anyways, I hope that if you're new to Medical Medium information you will give it a shot. All the info is free on the Medical Medium website. Check out the free apple podcasts, too. They are amazing and a great reminder of the info because after reading these books you forget some of it because there's just that much info in them. Tons and tons of healing info. Prepare to be altered in the best sense of the word when you get this book. Happy Healing Y'all!
疾病和疗愈的各方面信息,以及安友们的实践分享记录。网站内容仅供信息分享,不作为临床医疗指导,不用于任何诊断指导或治疗依据。这些信息不是为了用作病患教育,也不建立任何患者与医生的关系,请读者理性阅读理解参考,本网站及负责人不承担任何相关法律责任。急症请及时就医! ~ ~愿大家健康快乐平安哈!