疗愈故事(102)- 老安友们的疗愈体验和分享


 Anjani 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2022-12-09 原文文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/17203.html













自 2019 年 12 月开始实践安东尼威廉方法以来,这一直是一个超现实的狂野之旅,包括疗愈、排毒、情绪、信心经受考验、怀疑、眼泪、痛苦、毅力和不间断的日常磨练。我在高灵和安东尼威廉的教导中学习了 2.5 年,今天是我的第 62 次 369 净化法的第9天,其中 57 次是高阶369。我改变了很多!以下是我的改变??❤️






- 少得多的脑雾

- 血液更干净,以前太脏且有毒,以至于我在献血时需要用盐水冲洗

- 心动过缓消失



- 心脏病发作般胸痛,左臂麻木消失

- 脑肿胀/压力消失

- 随机含糊不清的讲话消失了

- 下巴疼痛消失了

- 牙痛消失了

- 喘息消失了

- 胸闷消失了

- 情绪全面好转

- 记忆更好

- 单词保留问题消失了


- 头痛/偏头痛消失了

- 对光敏感消失了

- 胸闷和爆裂感消失了

- 气短消失

- 对声音敏感消失了

- 牙齿咬紧不见了

- 眼睛模糊消失了

- 快速转头时头晕,消失了


- 曾经患上慢性呼吸道感染,不止一次?

我回想起来,我已经走了多远,这绝对是了不起的。叹为观止? 所以只是提醒你一下,没有人真正知道你痛苦的根本原因是什么。每个人都是推理论的投机者。你想知道这些答案到底在哪里吗?在我身后的那些书中??⚔️?



今天是我的 37 岁生日。我每一天都会想到之前的健康状况,我在 20 多岁时拥有完美的精力、活力和对生活的纯粹渴望。小时候,我对礼物、玩具、气球和派对感到兴奋,就像其他任何有幸体验这些东西的孩子一样。然后时间流逝,生日变成了与朋友和家人的晚餐聚会:在家里或餐厅,敞开大门和双臂准备迎接亲人和朋友,享受特殊的一天。接下来,我们将在去派对,留下回忆并尽情享受。




但现在我的生日过得很不一样。我在第 59 轮 369 的第7天中度过了这个特殊的日子,双倍西芹汁,欢呼? 语言天才甚至无法表达出痛苦的感受,言语无法教人,体验可以。当我最糟糕的时候,我感觉就像 80 到 90 岁的人,和我同年龄的家人和客户,他们行走或生活都没有问题,而我感觉就像超过500岁了,如果僵尸来了,老人都跑的比我快,我绝对会成为僵尸粮?☠️ 还有一点,痛苦和苦难没有办法量化成年龄。不可能。我会说它看起来和感觉就图中的香蕉,即使这样也无法表达这种感受?





⚡️ 369 将加速疗愈速度,帮助你更快地脱离地狱。369会释放大量的毒素、神经毒素、肾上腺素等,你需要根据自己肾上腺强度决定是否从369开始净化。


? 为什么我做这么多 369?我的主要动机:




2 - 我体内有大量病毒和毒素,我的血液又粘稠又肮脏,我在献血时血液无法自动流出,我每次都需要用盐水冲洗。有一次,我去找一位中医做拔罐的朋友。对于正常人来说,拔罐痕迹会在 5-14 天内消退。我的痕迹持续了一年多!这很好地显示了我的肝脏有多糟糕、病毒和毒性有多高、有多停滞。几周过去了,拔罐痕迹没有消失,我的朋友开始担心。几个月过去了,他联系他老师希望得到答案,他们问其他人,没有人知道,没有人有答案。我们开始担心我的血液有多糟糕,我可能会心脏病发作或中风。


? 一旦学习了安东尼威廉的信息,我一下子全部都明白了。我有大量努力要做,才能挖掘出所有毒素和病毒。我不能再浪费时间了。我有足够的资金、工作灵活性、意志力,可以尽可能多地完成369,以加快我的疗愈,我就去做了。




今天,2022年12月 6 日是我进行安东尼威廉净化法满 3 周年的纪念日。 安东尼威廉和他的信息拯救了我的生命,而其他任何方法都没有,没有。 所以让我告诉你……

我知道受苦是什么感觉,被困在你的身体里,全天 24 小时不间断地承受着痛苦






















我在2013 年找到安东尼,并在 2014 年一整年获得他的帮助和支持,以下是我的经历


我被诊断出患有 多发性硬化症







严格执行净化法和补充剂方案比起以下做法是更好的选择:诸如反复中断再次执行、或吃威胁健康的食物、或使用食物代替补充剂、或尽你所能但并不是完全100% 进行安东尼

对我而言,坚持安东尼净化法和补充剂方案比放松、不严格执行,导致病毒爆发时再尝试锌或维生素c疗法恢复来的要更简单。保持 100% 安东尼净化法比给病原体任何发展的空间要容易得多。

我相信其他人有很多其他的经历。这并不是要否定其他人的经历,我想要表达的是,在历史上的今天,我们生活在病原体大爆发的环境中,诸如 EB病毒、带状疱疹等,对于那些真正生病的人来说,在面对慢性疲劳、莱姆病、多发性硬化症等病症和严格执行安东尼之间,我认为严格执行安东尼更容易。













安东尼威廉方法不是一颗神奇药丸,无法在一夜之间,甚至一两年内纠正几十年以来的不良饮食、肾上腺素或在消化道中喂养癌症的腐烂动物蛋白质,以及终生缺乏锌和 B12 的情况。安东尼曾经说过净化结肠中的腐烂蛋白质可能需要十年时间。

与此同时,我们正在喂养病原体,病情可能会变得更糟,最终可能会诊断出结肠癌或其他癌症。但“癌症”(即EB病毒 和毒素)始终一直存在。



许多人在进行安东尼威廉方法后看到健康状况有所改善,但依然可能有深度疗愈工作要做。许多人在坚持安东尼方法之后看到并感受到巨大的疗愈,但安东尼说一个人在服用所有补充剂 6 个月且完全没有任何症状情况下,可以认为你已经减少了病毒和毒素数量。








Sharing from Tex

Since applying @medicalmedium information in December of 2019 it has been a surreal wild ride of healing, detox, emotions, tested faith, doubt, tears, pain, perseverance and non stop daily grind. I am 2.5 years into SOC and Anthony’s teachings and today is yet another day 9, my 62nd 369 Cleanse, 57 of them Advanced. AND BOY HAVE THINGS CHANGED! Here’s what’s different??❤️

-My “it will bring you to your knees” crippling neurological fatigue is IMMENSELY better

-Systemic Pain: All nerve and arthritic pain, IMMENSELY better

-Weakness better

-Body and legs like cement, better

-Much less brain fog

-Blood is so much cleaner, was so dirty/toxic I needed saline flushes when giving blood

-Bradycardia gone

-Erectile dysfunction gone

-OCD gone

-Heart attack chest pains with left arm going numb gone

-Brain swelling/pressure gone

-Random slurred speech gone

-Jaw pain gone

-Tooth pain gone

-Wheezing gone

-Tightness of chest gone

-Emotions across the board better

-Memory better

-Word retention issues gone

-Nausea gone

-Headaches/migraines gone

-Light sensitivity gone

-Thoracic tightness and popping gone

-Shortness of breath gone

-Sound sensitivity gone

-Clenching teeth gone

-Blurry vision gone

-Dizziness if turning head quickly, gone

-Able to nap, was not able prior

-Used to get chronic respiratory infections, since starting I have NOT been sick once?

I reflect back and it is absolutely remarkable how far I’ve come. REMARKABLE? So just to remind you, no one truly knows what the root cause is to your suffering. Everyone is a SPECULATOR pushing THEORIES. You want to know where those answers really are? In those books behind me??⚔️?

Today is Texy’s 37th birthday. Not a day goes by that I think about my last few years of real health that I had in my mid 20’s of perfect energy, vitality and this pure lust for life. As a child I was excited for gifts and toys, balloons and parties like any other kid blessed enough to experience these things. Then time goes by and birthdays turned into dinner gatherings with friends and family. At the house or a restaurant with doors and arms wide open ready to greet loved ones to enjoy the special day. Next we’d go for a night on the town to make memories and have a blast. Boy did times change, and fast. My health took a turn I could have never imagined, all the while being a personal trainer and doing all the “healthy” right things. But I was left neurologically shattered and destroyed, poisoned, toxic and riddled with heavy metals and utterly wrecked from treatments I applied in hopes of healing. Now my birthdays are spent vastly different. I spend this special day on my 59th round of 369s on day 7, double celery, cheers? No ones lingual talent can even come close to articulate what suffering feels like, words don’t teach, experience does. When I was at my worst I didn’t feel 80-90 years old, because I have family and clients in that age range and they have no problem standing or walking. I felt beyond 500 years old, if the zombie apocalypse hit, the elderly would of out ran me and I’d be zombie food?☠️ The other things is, there is no way to quantify the pain and suffering into age. It’s impossible. I’d say it looks and feels like that banana on the card but even that doesn’t do it justice? I hope the day comes when I can meet Anthony, shake his hand, hug and thank him for putting this information out there while simultaneously taking it on the chin daily for the chronically ill. Because if it weren’t for his relentless work ethic and compassion, MANY of us would have missed our next birthday. I know I would have, I was planning on it. And even though birthdays have temporarily lost their fun, darknesses grip will forever be lost on me.

I get asked all the time what led me to do so many rounds of the 369 and why haven’t I healed yet. 2 great questions. First, the 369 is not the be-all and end-all. Many have healed and are healing without the need of a 369 or many rounds of it.

⚡️ The 369 will amplify the speed of your healing. It will help get you out of hell faster. Yet, this comes with a twist. It is not something you start your healing process with on your journey. You will release too many poisons, toxins, neurotoxins, adrenaline, etc way too quickly. Also factor in adrenal strength. I promise you, you’ll crash and burn, I did my first 10-15 rounds.

? Now we ask, why so many 369’s? 2 main motives. 1 - It’s a faster route to healing. And 2 - I was so viral, toxic/poisoned, my blood was so thick and dirty, when giving blood it would not come out, I needed a saline flush every time. One day I went to a friend for cupping who’s a doctor in Chinese Medicine. For a normal person those bruises fade and disappear within 5-14 days. My bruises lasted OVER A YEAR! This is a great teaching point to show how bad my liver was, how sick, viral, toxic, stagnant and sluggish. As the weeks went on my friend started to worry. Then the months went on, he reached out to his teachers where he went to school in hopes for answers, and they asked their peers and so on. No one knew, no one had answers. We became worried that I might have a heart attack or stroke as to how bad my blood was.

? Once learning MM info, the realization hit me like a ton a bricks. I had so much work ahead of me to unearth all this poison. I could not waste anymore time. I had the finances, job flexibility, will power and the food availability to knock out as many rounds as possible to quicken my progress and I went for it.

? Why I haven’t fully healed yet? You can remove all the poison and kill off all of the pathogens, but organs like your liver, nerves/CNS take longer to heal at their own pace, no matter how well equipped you are.


Sharing from Amy


Hi Healers,

I was thinking and musing and wanted to share this: 

For what this is worth, and it's worth a lot, as experience is something we tend to undervalue, I offer the following advice from personal experience and in  helping people heal for the past five years using Medical Medium protocols. 

In my opinion, as someone who found Anthony in 2013 and worked with him almost a year in 2014, 

--who was diagnosed with MS 

--who has one of the most aggressive EBV there is,

-- who has been both on and off protocols, after starting,

-- who has added no foods after stopping them then stopped eating them again 

-who has been all raw, fat free, salt free, caffeine free, meat free and grain free

Who has seen flares and who has improved greatly having needed a walker to get around once, 

-Who has a high toxin load

It is easier to maintain a strict Medical Medium lifestyle and supplement protocols than it is to go off and on protocols, "cheat" with no foods, try to use foods instead of supplements or generally do your best but not be 100% MM.

I have an easier time sticking  to bonus level Medical Medium diet and doing supplement protocols, than easing off and trying to recover with Zinc shock or c shock when there's a viral flare. 

Its so much easier to stay 100% Bonus Level Medical Medium than to give viruses and pathogens any room to flourish. 

I'm sure there are many other experiences out there. 

This is not to negate others experiences but to say in this time, with all the pathogens coming at us that are actually triggering EBV, shingles etc for those really sick, dealing with CFS, Lyme, MS etc it's just easier to be strict, in my opinion.

Life is going to throw a monkey wrench in your plans and your viruses and strep will be given plenty of opportunity to grow through stressful accidents, illnesses and other unexpected events. 

We don't need to help them.

Life is more stressful now than it was even a year ago.

Its just easier for pathogens to flourish with the highly toxic world we live in. 

To meet that and to win the pathogen flare game,  you must get stricter. 

That csn mean whatever it means for you. 

It becomes a bit of an ascetic lifestyle where you must deny some physical and psychological desires to reach health. 

It's more of a monk life because you can't be a part of "regular" activities but it is rewarding in a spiritual way. 

The relationship you gain with God and Angels will not replace people but it will carry you. ?

Just food for thought.

Your intuition and discernment will also remain much clearer and strong.

Whatever you can do to adhere to MM as strict as possible, I would do. But of course not all of you need or want to do that. I'm not here to tell you what to do but to share what I see has worked best at least for the most ill in my experience.

Much love to all, Amy ❤️?

PS: Its SAD I have to even mention this, but if this post doesn't serve you, if you feel it's stupid, ridiculous, unrealistic or unhelpful AND you feel you need to comment about that then leave the group.

I'm not going to apologize or deny my experience and I've said above not everyone should or needs to follow it.

So scroll on or leave if you want to be rude and throw your two cents in. Your judgments about my life or what serves chronically ill people are not tolerated here. I'm sharing for those open to hearing and who will be helped by it.

Dear Medical Medium Healers,

I see a lot of group members being surprised when someone says they've been following MM for two years, or whatever length of time, and now they have a new  diagnosis or cancer.

I want to address that.

The Medical Medium lifestyle is not a magic pill that corrects decades of poor diet, adrenaline, or caked on putrifying, cancer feeding animal flesh in the digestive tract and a lifetime of zinc and b-12 deficiency overnight or even within a year or two.

Anthony says it can take a decade to clean out the colon. 

In the meantime, you're feeding pathogens and your conditions can be getting worse. 

You can end up with a diagnosis of colon or other cancers.

But the "cancer" (EBV and toxins) was there all along. 

A person could be following Level 1 of Medical Medium for two years, with no supplements, you really have no idea. 

Or maybe the person had a strict vegan, no fat diet but they took only small amounts of supplements and were so stressed all the time they had adrenaline in their system 24/7. Their liver and adrenals couldn't get a break. 

They follow Medical Medium but they don't take enough supplements for their conditions and their liver is worse off than before they started  as its soaked in adrenaline. 

People can follow Medical Medium and still be addicted to adrenaline.

Adrenaline feeds all pathogens and prevents liver from detoxing.

There is an endless number of people who "follow Medical Medium" who are not strict enough with diet to kill off pathogens, still eat animal products which feeds cancer creating EBV, don't take high enough doses of supplements for their conditions and are generally always stressed. 

And many get improvements just by cutting back on no foods, but they haven't cut them all out. 

Many people feel and see improvement in their health following MM, but they may still have deep healing to do. 

People can see and feel tremendous healing following MM, but remember Anthony says you need to take all supplements for 6 months with NO symptoms at all to consider you've made a dent in your viral and toxic loads. 

While animal protein itself doesn't feed pathogens, undigested protein puts off a toxic chemical that feeds cancer causing EBV.

And how toxic was the person when they started? 

Are they bombarded with toxins still today? 

There are many more issues to consider. 

I'm not trying to be harsh, but I do get protective of Anthony and this healing info when I feel the inference that it is the protocols that aren't working when there are many other variables. 

I'm just offering that as a clarification and as food for thought. 

There are a lot of reasons someone may "follow Medical Medium" yet find themselves with a new diagnosis. 

Being on Medical Medium prevented it from getting worse faster. 

This is a bit of a rushed post for me, and it doesn't cover all the variables it's just meant to put a pause in your thinking. 

If you have any questions, please ask below. I will answer as I can today. Amy?










疾病和疗愈的各方面信息,以及安友们的实践分享记录。网站内容仅供信息分享,不作为临床医疗指导,不用于任何诊断指导或治疗依据。这些信息不是为了用作病患教育,也不建立任何患者与医生的关系,请读者理性阅读理解参考,本网站及负责人不承担任何相关法律责任。急症请及时就医! ~ ~愿大家健康快乐平安哈!



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
