Anjani 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2023-04-30 原文文章源自安疗网安疗网-
- 杀死细菌和蠕虫
- 对抗EB病毒和带状疱疹病毒
- 净化和重建肝脏
- 帮助修复皮肤
- 消化道疗愈食物
- 对于小肠细菌过度增长、湿疹、牛皮藓、结肠炎、克罗恩病、肠易激综合症、溃疡、息室炎、胃炎和胃痉挛、肝脏问题、胰腺炎、便秘、青春痘都有疗愈帮助
非转基因木瓜是消化问题的头号疗愈水果。每个木瓜都含有 500 多种尚未被发现的强大消化酶,有助于支持胰腺、帮助消化,修复肠道壁,减少炎症,并防治疤痕组织的形成。
If you’re struggling with any kind of stomach or intestinal disorder, papayas cannot be beat. They can help with colitis, Crohn’s, IBS, ulcers, diverticulitis, gastritis, gastric spasms, liver disease, and pancreatitis. They also kill off H. pylori, C. difficile, and E. coli, plus rid the gut of other unfriendly bacteria and parasites, including worms. Papaya is an ideal food if you’re dealing with SIBO.
Papaya is the number-one fruit for digestibility. Each papaya contains more than 500 undiscovered powerful digestive enzymes that help support the pancreas, aid digestion, and mend the walls of the intestinal tract, reducing inflammation and preventing scar tissue from forming there.
Papaya’s amino acids and enzymes combined create undiscovered subcompound phytochemicals that help repel pathogens. Papaya also contains potent and as yet undiscovered coenzymes that enhance the alkalinity inside the intestinal tract.
Papaya helps relieve constipation. If you suffer from stomach aches or an inflamed intestinal lining, papaya will be your ally in healing the irritated nerve endings that contribute to these ailments.
Whenever someone has gone through a period of not eating, whether from fasting, anorexia, or grave illness, blended papaya is like magic for the refeeding process, because it offers ample calories, optimal nutrition, and digests so favorably.
Papaya is also a miracle worker for the skin. This fruit has anti-wrinkle, fountain-of-youth powers due to its high content of vitamins, minerals, and most important, caratenoids. Not only can it help your skin glow again, it can also help with eczema, psoriasis, and acne.
How To Use:
Look for the Mexican and Central American papaya variety known as Maradol. These medium-to-large papayas are preferable to Hawaiian varieties, which have suffered GMO contamination. For constipation relief, eat half a papaya daily.
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