与此同时,感觉自己越来越接近神,期望、欲望和生命臣服于他。我经历了一份神圣的体验,冥冥之中向我揭示和确认了一些事情,也给到自己一个选择,这个选择是我要继续活下去。 (求生欲要比其他时候更强烈)
从@mandi_palmer_chc 转发
庆祝我实践安东尼疗法 6 周年!!!✨️
我在 2017 年 2 月 33 岁生日那天,第一次阅读了安东尼威廉的书,并立马改变了自己的饮食。我很快就看到了一些效果(例如不再便秘、腹胀、头痛减少),而我的其他问题在接下来的几年里慢慢得到了改善。今天是我 39 岁生日,我感觉比以往任何时候都要好,并且相信当我接近 40 岁时,我会持续感觉比 21岁时更好(21岁时我已经长期生病多年)。如果没有安东尼威廉的信息,我真的不知道我今天的健康状况会是如何。
I understand what it’s like to search everywhere for answers- going to multiple doctors, specialists, clinics, trying different treatments, therapies, cleanses, and supplement regimens. Reading countless books and articles, applying different diets and food theories. Trying everything I could and yet not really moving forward.
All served a purpose in some form, but none got to the core of the question, “WHY” is this happening and how can I heal?
Until I found Anthony William the Medical Medium. For the first time there was a concise answer to what the root cause of cancer and chronic symptoms really are, and the tools to overcome them. My prayer was answered, and I could feel the pure truth in his information. Once I started applying MM protocols I began to get relief and my symptoms lessened �
At the same time I was moving more and more towards God, surrendering my expectations, desires and life to Him. I had a Divine experience in which things were revealed and confirmed to me. I was given a choice, I chose to live. (More at another time)
Your tests and trials have not come to punish you or break you down, but they are an opportunity (if you allow it), to awaken you. To bring out your souls qualities, the ones you will take with you beyond this life.
Know that we are never alone, that every sincere word, thought and prayer is heard and we are held every step of the way in this life!
You are very much loved, and cared for. And you CAN heal ✨
My hearts love and blessings to you all!
#Medicalmedium #cancerthriver #childofGod
Repost from @mandi_palmer_chc
✨️Celebrating 6 Years on @medicalmedium protocols!!! ✨️���������������������������
I first read #medicalmedium book the week of my 33rd birthday in Feb 2017 and immediately made the changes. I saw some results right away (such as no more constipation, less bloating, fewer headaches) and the rest of my issues slowly improved over the next few years. Now on my 39th birthday, I’m feeling better than I ever have and confident that as I approach 40 that I’ll continue to feel better than I did at 21 (21 for me, I was already chronically sick for years). I really do not know where my health would be today if it weren’t for AW and SoC.
Here’s what I’ve healed (some began in my teen years):
✅️ Debilitating Vertigo (the kind where you can’t move your head, get up, or open your eyes without vomiting)
✅️ Migraines and headaches
✅️ Extreme and chronic bloating
✅️ Night Sweats (changing clothes 3 times a night!)
✅️ Insomnia
✅️ IBS
✅️ Chronic constipation
✅️ Fatigue (neuro and adrenal)
✅️ Mood swings (ask my husband! ���)
✅️ Chronic sore throat
✅️ Anxiety
✅️ Depression for no reason
✅️ Dandruff
✅️ Cystic acne
✅️ Chemical sensitivities are 100 times better
✅️ Air hunger
✅️ Brain Fog
✅️ Quick to anger
If you haven’t fully committed to the MM lifestyle, I know there can be barriers, but it’s soooo worth the effort! Stay consistent with what you CAN do. Don’t judge yourself or compare your journey to others’ journeys. To me, @medicalmedium is all about giving the body the tools it needs to heal itself. Once you do that on a daily basis, TRUST that the body Divinely knows what to do and let go. Because as AW says, our body loves us unconditionally and WANTS to heal.
Thank you, AW and SoC for giving me my life back ���������������������������
All my love,
第三本书 关于甲状腺
第四本 -肝脏救援,肝脏问题是所有疾病的起源
第五本 关于西芹汁是如何能够疗愈两百多种病症的。
本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird
疾病和疗愈的各方面信息,以及安友们的实践分享记录。网站内容仅供信息分享,不作为临床医疗指导,不用于任何诊断指导或治疗依据。这些信息不是为了用作病患教育,也不建立任何患者与医生的关系,请读者理性阅读理解参考,本网站及负责人不承担任何相关法律责任。急症请及时就医! ~ ~愿大家健康快乐平安哈!