原创 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2023-08-07 原文文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/20914.html
- 2个中型茄子,切成两半
- 2 瓣大蒜,大致切碎
- 1汤匙芝麻酱(可选项)
- 1个柠檬的皮屑
- ¼ 杯鲜榨柠檬汁
- ½ 个去核的椰枣
- ¼茶匙盐(可选项)
- ¼ 杯新鲜欧芹叶,切碎
- ¼ 杯新鲜薄荷叶,切碎,可加入更多
- ¼杯石榴粒
将茄子两半放在烤盘上,肉面朝下; 然后烘烤 40 至 45 分钟,或直至变软。从烤箱中取出茄子;然后放在一边冷却。
茄子冷却后,将其去皮并放入食品搅拌机中。 加入大蒜、芝麻酱(如果使用)、柠檬皮屑、柠檬汁和椰枣,可以加入可选项盐。加工至光滑质地但仍有一点质感。加入欧芹和薄荷,简单搅拌直至混合。
将蘸酱放入碗中,在上面撒上石榴粒和切碎的薄荷。 立即食用或冷藏直至享用。
芝麻酱使得这道蘸酱更具有奶香味且口感更丰富;但如果想降低脂肪摄入,可以选择不用,仍然是一款美味蘸酱。虽然高品质海盐或岩盐是可选项,但不加盐更具有疗愈效果。 随着时间的推移,可以逐步减少或去除盐分。
Baba Ganoush
This creamy dip made with roasted eggplants is a Middle Eastern favorite. This recipe omits the oil and heavy amounts of tahini normally used in baba ganoush in order to bring you a truly healing dip option. Enjoy this dip with your favorite crudités, such as celery sticks, carrot sticks, cucumber slices, lettuce leaves, or asparagus spears, or enjoy it with the Rosemary Potato Flatbread
Eggplant thins out dirty blood filled with fats and poisons, which can help stop blood clots from occurring inside our veins and eases the heart, too, allowing it to not overwork as it pumps.
Baba Ganoush
- 2 medium eggplants, cut in half
- 2 garlic cloves, roughly chopped
- 1 tbsp tahini (optional; leave out if fat-free)
- Zest of 1 lemon
- ¼ cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
- ½ pitted Medjool date
- ¼ tsp sea salt (optional)
- ¼ cup fresh parsley leaves, finely chopped
- ¼ cup fresh mint leaves, finely chopped, plus more to serve
- ¼ cup pomegranate seeds, to serve
Preheat the oven to 400°F/200°C. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
Arrange the eggplant halves on the baking sheet, flesh-side facing down; then bake for 40 to 45 minutes, or until soft. Remove the eggplant from the oven; then put aside to cool.
Once the eggplant is cool, peel it and place in a food processor. Add the garlic, tahini (if using), lemon zest, lemon juice, and date. Add the optional sea salt if using. Process until smooth but still with a bit of texture. Add the parsley and mint and pulse briefly until incorporated.
Place the dip in a serving bowl and top with pomegranate seeds and a bit more finely chopped mint. Serve immediately or keep refrigerated until needed.
- The tahini makes the Baba Ganoush creamier and richer; however, if you are trying to lower your fats, you can keep it out and you’ll still get a great result.
- While high-quality sea salt or mountain rock salt is an optional inclusion in this recipe, the recipe is more healing without salt. Over time, you may wish to reduce or exclude the salt.
Serves 2
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