Anjani 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2019-03-13 原文文章源自安疗网安疗网-
造成各种皮肤问题诸如湿疹、牛皮廯、酒糟鼻、红斑狼疮、老年斑等的真正原因是当病毒摄入其喜欢的食物时,会释放出比摄入的重金属更具毒性和破坏性的皮肤毒素。这是一种蒸发的甲基毒素,可以轻易地穿过结缔组织和器官。如果肝脏功能不佳,这种皮肤毒素会进入淋巴系统直到皮肤,困在皮下脂肪组织中。身体为了保护我们,会将这种皮肤毒素释放到皮肤表面,由于皮肤毒素对皮肤组织的毒性,会导致各种皮肤瑕疵、裂开、结痂、剥落、疤痕、出血以及各种类型的皮疹。许多婴儿现在出生就有湿疹不是因为疾病是遗传的,而是因为病原体 + 毒素这个成因公式的两大元素都容易遗传,一旦了解引起问题的原因,我们完全有能力可以将病毒和毒素去除。
- 湿疹 = EB病毒 +(50%铜 + 50%汞)
- 牛皮藓 = EB病毒 +(75%铜 + 25%汞)
- 酒糟鼻 = EB病毒 + 100%汞
- 红斑狼疮类型皮疹 = 更大量的EB病毒 + 100%汞
- 老年斑 = EB病毒 +(50%甲基铝和50%甲基汞、镍、铅和镉组合)。不同老年斑类型取决于第二部分50%的不同比例组合
- 硬化性苔藓 = 病毒 +(铜 + 铝 + DDT)
- 硬皮病(牛皮藓关节炎的一种)= EB病毒 +(更多的汞 + 铜)
- 白癜风 = HHV6或者EB病毒 +(福尔马林 + 铝 + 少许铜)
- 典型皮炎(牛皮廯的一种变体)= EB病毒 +(铜 + 铝 + 农药和一些DDT)
- 脂溢性皮炎:不是病毒引起的,而是由于肝脏毒性过高,各种毒素大量存在于肝脏内,肝脏正在变成预脂肪肝状态,由于血液毒性高,导致毒素到皮肤表面形成。
- 光线性角化病(湿疹的一种)= 某种特定EB病毒 +(更大量的汞和一些铜)
- 蜂窝织炎是链球菌和皮肤毒素一起形成的。
关于重金属排毒更多信息,请点击参考“ 重金属排毒果昔”。
How Celery Juice Helps Heal Eczema & Psoriasis
When a pathogen such as Epstein-Barr virus is residing in your liver and feeding off of different toxins such as the heavy metals copper and mercury, disruptive skin conditions can appear. Different pathogens—and even different strains of the same pathogen—have different appetites for different toxins. Depending on which combination is present in your liver, you’ll get a different rash.
The skin reactions form because as the virus feeds off its desired food, it also eliminates it, releasing a much more toxic, destructive form of the original copper or mercury—that is, a dermatoxin. A vaporized methyl toxin, this dermatoxin can travel through connective tissue and organs with ease. If you have a sluggish liver, this remanufactured poison can back up into the lymphatic system find its way up to the skin, leaving deposits in the subcutaneous fatty tissue and getting trapped there.
Releasing dermatoxins to the surface of your skin is your body’s masterful way of protecting you. The dermatoxins are highly inflammatory to skin tissue, causing blemishes, fissures, cracks, scabs, flaking, scarring, bleeding, and rashes of all kinds.
The level to which these symptoms disrupt your life can depend on the strain of EBV or other virus present, the levels of heavy metals or other toxins present inside the liver, how sluggish the liver is, and your current diet, which could contain unhelpful foods that are feeding the underlying cause, the viral strain.
Celery juice destroys the outer cell membrane of the virus and fights back against it, in time lowering your viral load. Celery juice helps restore your immune system to help fight off the virus. It also flushes toxins out of the liver, which is a critical support to help remove the toxic heavy metals that the virus feeds on that causes eczema and psoriasis. It also strengthen a weakened liver, which anyone with eczema and psoriasis has.
Find out more about acne and how to heal in the NY Times bestselling book Liver Rescue by Anthony William (pls see the book cover below at the end of the article)
疾病和疗愈的各方面信息,以及安友们的实践分享记录。网站内容仅供信息分享,不作为临床医疗指导,不用于任何诊断指导或治疗依据。这些信息不是为了用作病患教育,也不建立任何患者与医生的关系,请读者理性阅读理解参考,本网站及负责人不承担任何相关法律责任。急症请及时就医! ~ ~愿大家健康快乐平安哈!