Anjani 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2019-04-16原文文章源自安疗网安疗网-
English text is further down.文章源自安疗网安疗网-
我们生活中充满着各类乳制品,诸如牛奶、咖啡中的奶、酸奶、各种奶酪、乳清蛋白粉(whey protein)、黄油、甜品中的乳制品等,但乳制品却是健康很大的挑战,因为它会使身体的排毒中心和脂肪处理中心- 肝脏陷入困境,阻碍肝脏有效的排毒,并对胰腺造成很大的压力,加重胰岛素抗性。
Health-Damaging Foods (II) - Dairy Products
Milk, cheese, butter, cream, yogurt, whey protein and other dairy products contain a substantial amount of fat, which is a strain for your digestive system – and especially your liver – to process, it makes life very challenging because it bogs down the liver, which prevents toxins from leaving the body efficiently, and stresses the pancreas, which causes heightened insulin resistance. Dairy contains lactose, and the combination of fat and sugar has negative effects on health, especially if you’re diabetic. Further dairy fat in your bloodstream helps to breed viruses and bacteria.
Dairy products feed the pathogens that are behind so many ailments, such as Epstein-Barr virus which causes many types of cancer, 95% of thyroid disease, many autoimmune disease etc. Those are the issues that have always held true for dairy, even when it’s organic and free range. And now conventional, mainstream practice has made a problematic food into a toxic one by creating farm industry pressure to give hormones, antibiotics, GMO corn and soy and gluten to cows, goats and sheep.
The truth reason for lactose intolerance is because when pathogens feed on their favorite food, the toxins they generate can cause the body’s allergic reactiony.
For those sensitive to dairy, it creates malabsorption problems that is trouble absorbing the nutrients in foods because the digestive tract is too inflamed. Dairy is also mucus producing and a major cause of inflammation and allergies. And for many people, it creates a heightened allergic response to any slight environment stimulus such as dust and pollen.
If you want a smooth healing process or want to stay healthy, it’s best not to eat any dairy product at all.
For people who are concerned about where to get their calcium, look no further than fresh-squeezed lemons or oranges, which offers bio- active calcium that your body craves. Plus, phytochemicals in these fruits will bond the vitamin C and calcium together, so that wherever one goes in the body, the other rides along. This enhances the bio-availability of each, and also creates alkalinity in the body to help prevent the growth of almost every type of cancer.
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