Anjani 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2019-07-31 07:19文章源自安疗网安疗网-
要知道,他汀类药物不仅不真正解决胆固醇问题,只会给健康带来更多的威胁。西芹汁比任何药物都要强大的多,因为这能解决引起胆固醇问题的根本原因 - 肝脏功能不佳。西芹汁会进入肝脏,帮助肝脏冲洗、清洁和净化,以去除各种毒素和病原体。西芹汁能够恢复受损的肝小叶,其钠簇盐成分则可以降低病毒和细菌的量。这些簇盐还可以恢复肝脏与胆固醇相关的多种功能,提高肝脏生成胆汁的强度,强胆汁对于脂肪分解非常重要。
How Celery Juice Helps Heal High Cholesterol
High cholesterol is an increasingly common problem for both men and women. But what is really happening in the body for cholesterol to be high? That is what I'll share with you today with an excerpt from Medical Medium Celery Juice: The Most Powerful Medicine of Our Time Healing Millions Worldwide. You'll also discover why celery juice is such an important and helpful tool to help heal high cholesterol and so much more.
I wrote Medical Medium Celery Juice to answer your questions about celery juice, inspire you to drink it so you can receive its benefits, and to share the true causes of almost 200 chronic illnesses and symptoms that so many people live with and suffer from. You can pick up your copy online or get it at a bookstore or retailer such as Barnes & Noble, Costco, Target, Walmart, Indigo Chapters, The Book Depository and more.
High Cholesterol
"Anything to do with cholesterol has everything to do with the liver. Any kind of cholesterol problem developing is a sign of an early liver condition developing. The liver produces, controls, organizes, and stores cholesterol. So when the liver gets sluggish, stagnant, and toxic over the years—which will go undetected at the doctor’s office— and its functions start to break down, cholesterol readings can start to change. This may happen long before tests show elevated liver enzymes, so no one will realize this has anything to do with the liver.
Have you ever wondered how someone who eats the poorest diet can get back perfectly fine cholesterol readings? That’s a person whose liver is not maxed out yet. Then you could have someone with a seemingly healthy diet who’s diagnosed with a cholesterol condition because readings are heading in a direction the physician doesn’t like. That’s a person whose liver is starting to flag from being overloaded for too long. Everyone’s liver has a different state of being. Some are filled with pathogens such as the Epstein-Barr virus and strep. Some are filled with both pathogens and toxins such as toxic heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, pharmaceuticals, plastics, and other petroleum products. When the liver’s storage is at capacity, that’s when its ability to process, convert, create, store, and develop cholesterol starts to diminish.
Far more powerful than any statin can ever be, celery juice goes to the root cause of cholesterol conditions: it heads to the liver. There, it helps flush, clean, and purify poisons, toxins, and pathogens. It restores and revives damaged liver lobules while its sodium cluster salts reduce viral and bacterial loads. These cluster salts also revitalize the liver’s multiple functions related to cholesterol and improve the strength of the bile that the liver produces—and stronger bile helps break down fats."
If you'd like to learn how to bring celery juice into your life in the correct way so you receive its many healing benefits, I have included all the information you need in Medical Medium Celery Juice. You will find out exactly how to support yourself and your loved ones to heal with celery juice, along with other healing information I share.
Millions of people around the world are experiencing the benefits of drinking celery juice for themselves, and eventually it will reach the billions simply because it works. It will stand the test of time because it's not a temporary fad or trend; it's a deeply healing practice that when consumed the right way can offer you tremendous healing support. I hope you'll give celery juice a real try and join the global celery juice movement if you haven't already. 愿天下人平安、健康、喜乐。
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