Anjani 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2019-10-13原文文章源自安疗网安疗网-
现在有越来越多的人有各种甲状腺问题,诸如桥本氏甲状腺炎、格雷夫斯病、甲状腺功能减退症、甲状腺癌症、结节、囊肿或肿瘤等。锌对各种甲状腺疾病至关重要,因为它可以杀死医学尚不了解的导致甲状腺问题的EB病毒。锌可以保护甲状腺免受病毒攻击,减少结节、肿瘤和囊肿(无论是恶性还是良性)的生长。此外,初生碘(nascent iodine)对于患有甲状腺问题的人来说至关重要,这是对抗病毒和其他病原体的强大武器,碘需要锌才能发挥最佳作用,这也是为什么锌对于甲状腺很关键的原因之一。
- 锌可以增强白细胞,从而给予免疫系统极大的支持,诸如淋巴细胞、嗜碱性粒细胞、中性粒细胞、嗜酸性粒细胞、巨噬细胞和单核细胞。
- 支持胰腺和肾上腺,有助于稳定血液中的葡萄糖水平。
- 强化内分泌系统:包括肾上腺,甲状腺和丘脑,因此可以支持重要的神经递质。
- 对生育力至关重要,例如男性精子的健康。
有些食物含锌量比较高,经常加入日常饮食会帮助补充锌,诸如芽菜(sprouts,诸如西蓝花芽、萝卜芽、苜蓿芽等等)、羽衣甘蓝等甘蓝类蔬菜、南瓜子、萝卜、朝鲜蓟、荨麻叶(nettle leaf)、欧芹(parsley)、洋葱和生蜂蜜等。但由于现在土壤内普遍缺锌,补充高质量的液体硫酸锌也同样重要。
锌补充品有多种不同的形式,并不是每一种都对我们有同样的益处。请选择液体硫酸锌(liquid zinc sulfate),这是对健康最关键的锌。此外,与所有营养补充品一样,许多产品包含对健康不利的添加成分,因此选择尽可能纯净的产品非常重要。避免使用含有柠檬酸、天然香料、酒精、防腐剂和其他有毒成分的锌补充剂。请选择干净、高品质的液体离子硫酸锌。
Zinc: Essential Mineral For Health
In today’s world it’s common for people to be concerned they’re not getting enough vitamin D or probiotics, but the nutrients that should be getting the most attention for supplementation are the right kinds of zinc and B12. It’s these two nutrients that people are most commonly deficient in and that pose the greatest threats to our health when we are deficient.
In this article, I will explain why almost everyone is deficient in zinc and why it’s so critical to include–not only for chronic illness but also for health maintenance and future illness prevention.
Essential For Everyone
With a severe zinc deficiency, you can become gravely ill. Zinc is critical for liver health, autoimmune conditions, acne, adrenal problems, arthritis, cancer, eczema, psoriasis, brain fog, child and baby liver (the name I have given to a certain set of health challenges many babies and children suffer with–read more in Liver Rescue), diabetes, fatigue, mood struggles, gout, heart palpitations, hepatitis, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, hot flashes, inflammation, migraines, SIBO, sinus infections, weight issues, vertigo, tinnitus, multiple sclerosis, lupus, Lyme disease, thyroid problems, Epstein-Barr virus, shingles, UTIs, candida, and every other symptom and condition that exists. If you have a symptom of any kind or you wish to help prevent symptoms in the future, it’s time to make zincyour best friend.
Virus Killer
Viruses are the most common cause of all kinds of chronic illnesses and conditions. Unfortunately, medical science and research haven't discovered this yet, nor have they discovered the existence of dozens of mutated strains of viruses that are causing health problems. Tragically, that means that unless people are discovering the truth in the Medical Medium information, or they’re hearing the truth from a friend, family member, doctor, or health practitioner who learned it from my information, then they will not get the answers they need to heal. I share much more about these viruses and how they cause hundreds of different health conditions and symptoms in my books, Medical Medium,Life-Changing Foods, Thyroid Healing, and Liver Rescue.
Zinc is one of the most important resources to fight viruses such as Epstein-Barr (EBV), shingles, herpes simplex, citomegalovirus, and more. The body uses up supplies and even deep reserves of zinc at a rapid rate. It’s very common to become zinc-deficient when you have a virus, which most people do, if you weren’t already deficient. Zinc kills viral cells and lowers inflammatory reactions to neurotoxins produced by viruses in the herpes family, including EBV, shingles, and more.
Your Liver’s Ally
In Liver RescueI share how integral zinc is for your liver’s health and proper functioning. “Zinc (as liquid zinc sulfate) is responsible for all of the over 2,000 chemical functions of the liver, including the creation of your liver in the womb and the development of your liver as you grew and reached adulthood.
The liver stores an abundance of zinc because it knows people are zinc deficient, in part due to the lack of it in the food we eat. Without zinc, your liver can’t perform its functions that protect your whole body, so despite its zinc storage, your liver always needs more, because the zinc output needed to respond to the mental and physical demands upon us is high. The onslaught of viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens in particular drains our zinc reserves.
One specific purpose of zinc reserves is to eliminate toxic forms of copper that are always high inside the liver and that can cause the organ harm. If someone is so zinc-deficient that even the liver’s zinc reserves have dropped to a dangerous level, that person can develop a host of viral related autoimmune diseases and illnesses, which you can read about throughout the Medical Medium book series. Zinc helps the liver’s immune system fend off every unfriendly microorganism that enters the liver.”
Critical For Thyroid Health
Do you or does someone you know have a thyroid condition such as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Graves’ disease, hypothyroidism, thyroid cancer, nodules, cysts, or tumors? Zinc is critical for all thyroid conditions because it kills the virus that medical science and research don’t yet know is responsible for thyroid problems: Epstein-Barr virus. Zinc, as liquid zinc sulfate, helps protect the thyroid from becoming inflamed from the virus, along with reducing the growth of nodules, tumors, and cysts (both cancerous and benign). In addition, nascent iodine, which is critical for anyone with thyroid problems because it’s an antiseptic to viruses and other pathogens, is brought to life by zinc so it can work as well as possible.
Cold & Flu Support - Zinc Shock Therapy
If you feel like you might have a cold or flu developing, you can use a healing practice I call “zinc shock therapy.” It’s important to begin it as soon as you get your first sign of a flu developing, so having a bottle of high-quality liquid zinc sulfateon hand at all times is important. Squirt two dropperfuls of the zinc into your throat, let it sit there for a minute and then swallow the zinc. Three hours later, squirt another two dropperfuls into your throat and let it sit there again for a minute before swallowing. Repeat every three waking hours for two days.
Zinc Deficiency is a Trigger for Illness
If you allow yourself to become zinc deficient or you’re born into this world with a zinc deficiency, which is very possible because we inherit deficiencies from our family line, it gives viruses a perfect opportunity to take advantage of a weakened immune system and prosper. Symptoms and conditions can show up or worsen over time, including fatigue, rashes, dizziness, eye floaters, heart palpitations, migraines, dry skin, brittle hair, tinnitus, sleep issues, painful menstruation, thyroid problems,
Zinc deficiency is also directly responsible for nail problems like weak and brittle nails, ridges, and missing moons on the nails.
Multitude of Healing Benefits
Some other reasons zinc is so important include:
* Liquid zinc sulfate gives a major boost to the immune system by strengthening white blood cells such as lymphocytes, basophils, neutrophils, eosinophils, macrophages, and monocytes.
* Supports the pancreas and adrenal glands and helps stabilize glucose levels in the blood.
* Fortifies the endocrine system—including the adrenal glands, thyroid, and thalamus—which in turn supports neurotransmitters.
* Critical for fertility, including for the health of a man’s sperm.
* And more.
Foods Rich In Zinc
There are some foods that are especially high in zinc and are very helpful to have in your diet regularly, including sprouts, microgreens, collard greens, pumpkin seeds, radishes, artichokes, nettle leaf, parsley, onions, and raw honey. However, it is also important to consider supplementing with the right kind of zinc: liquid zinc sulfate.
The foods available to us on this earth don’t contain enough zinc anymore to provide all the zinc we need. Even the best organic farms tend to be missing this mineral from their soil, in part due to the elevated levels of toxic heavy metals that fall from the sky, altering the pH balance of the soil, depleting soil-borne microorganisms, and reacting negatively with the soil’s trace minerals such as zinc. This means that while pumpkin seeds, for example, which are celebrated for their zinc content, can be supportive, along with other foods known to be high in zinc, if you’re dealing with a symptom or condition, then supplementing with high-quality, liquid zinc sulfate will offer you an important immune boost.
More on Zinc Sulfate
Zinc comes in different forms and which form you supplement with matters. They’re not all going to offer you same benefits. Zinc sulfate is special in how it supports health. Also, as with all supplements, many products include added ingredients that are not health supporting, so it’s important to choose one that is as clean as possible. Avoid the many liquid zinc supplements that are loaded with citric acid, natural flavors, alcohol, and other toxic ingredients. Instead, search for a clean, high-quality liquid ionic zinc like the one on my preferred supplements page.
Eating plenty of zinc-rich foods and supplementing with zinc sulfate (at normal levels, not in megadoses) can offer so much relief for the person who suffers from chronic illness.
Zinc and Copper
As I share in Thyroid Healing, there’s a fear out there that taking supplemental zinc will deplete all the copper in your body. Don’t let this misconception hold you back. When you take the right type of zinc supplement, which is liquid zinc sulfate, you don’t need to worry about copper loss. This zinc doesn’t remove the essential trace mineral copper that’s helping your health; it only removes any toxic copper—and there’s a huge difference between those two. In fact, even with a lesser zinc supplement, you wouldn’t have to worry about copper loss, because trace mineral copper is one of the most assimilable and available from everyday food sources, so we’re all high in it, able to recoup it quickly, and not at risk for becoming deficient. It’s also very common to be high in toxic copper, so if the lesser zinc supplement is cleansing you of it, it’s doing you a favor. Of course, it’s still best to go with high-quality, preservative-free,liquid zinc sulfate.
疾病和疗愈的各方面信息,以及安友们的实践分享记录。网站内容仅供信息分享,不作为临床医疗指导,不用于任何诊断指导或治疗依据。这些信息不是为了用作病患教育,也不建立任何患者与医生的关系,请读者理性阅读理解参考,本网站及负责人不承担任何相关法律责任。急症请及时就医! ~ ~愿大家健康快乐平安哈!