原创 Anjani 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2020-06-24原文文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/3672.html
English Text is further down.
来自@bloomingbeautyhealthily的帖子 左图是2018年,我刚开始使用安东尼威廉的方法几个月时间,而右图是最近2020年2月的照片。我眼皮底下的肿胀已经消退了,这是许多其他正在疗愈或已经被疗愈的症状其中之一。 我曾经梦想过有一天醒来能够拥有一张完美的脸,不再有悲伤,不再对别人对我的看法感到焦虑,不再苦恼于“青春痘治疗方法”是否有效。 3年前,我偶然发现了安东尼威廉的书,直觉告诉我也许这就是答案。由于各个皮肤科医生、保健教练、护肤产品、各种“饮食计划”都声称自己是疗愈青春痘的“最佳”方法,我对任何方法都充满了怀疑。但安东尼威廉的书让我感觉不一样。我想,我已经尝试了各种方法,至少我那时以为已经尝试过了所有方法…. 当我开始深入研究安东尼威廉关于疾病和疗愈的所有信息时,这不仅解释了青春痘,还解释了所有的一切,我们忍受的各种病症,以及其背后真正的原因。我从来没有看到过如此清晰的解释,我知道这就是我的答案。 三年后,我知道我找到了答案,以上照片就是证明,我至今有时依然无法相信我改变了这么多。 所有的心痛、眼泪和想法都消失了。我不仅疗愈了青春痘,而且还疗愈了困扰我多年的整个身体的各种状况,这是改变生命的信息。 每个人都有自己的理论和见解,有些理论可能对某些人健康有用。但请知道,安东尼威廉的信息可以改变所有人的健康!食物才是真正的药物! 我对安东尼威廉表示由衷的感谢,感谢他致力于向我们提供这些重要信息,让我们能拥有最美好的生活。感谢你!!!?
西芹汁如何帮助疗愈青春痘 How Celery Juice Helps Heal Acne
健康和疗愈需要避免的食物 Foods To Avoid For Healing Chronic Illness
Repost from@bloomingbeautyhealthily
I used to dream of the day that I would wake up and have a clear face. No more sorrow,no more worries of what people think of me,no more struggles of what “remedy”would work.
I stumbled upon @medicalmedium3 years ago and had this gut feeling that maybe,just maybe this would be my answer. Like anything else,I was so skeptical. Every doctor,commercial,skincare line had “the best”cure for healing acne. The naturopaths to the dermatologist,the health coaches and the “diet plans”all claimed to have it. But something stuck out to me with this lifestyle. Hell,I would have tried anything at this point,even though I had already done it all,or so I thought...
When I started looking deep into all of this information that @medicalmediumgives,it explained more then just the acne. It explained everything,all of the crap we endure,to all of the “symptoms”we have and where they come from. I NEVER read anything like it before and just KNEW this was my answer.
Almost three years later and I have found the answer. Those pictures are proof. And I still can’t believe it some days.
All of the heartache,tears,and thoughts etc are all gone. Not only am I healing the acne,but am healing my whole entire body of ailments that have haunted me for years...this is the game changer.
People may have their theories and opinions and yes,they may work for some. But this my friends,works for all! Food is truly medicine.
And of course I am so grateful to @medicalmediumfor devoting himself to getting the word out and for providing us with this information to live our best life. ~ THANK YOU AW!!!?
Left picture was 2018, a few months into my journey and the right was the most recent, Feb 2020. You can also see the swelling under my eyes has gone down. Just one of many other symtoms that have healed and are healing.
疾病和疗愈的各方面信息,以及安友们的实践分享记录。网站内容仅供信息分享,不作为临床医疗指导,不用于任何诊断指导或治疗依据。这些信息不是为了用作病患教育,也不建立任何患者与医生的关系,请读者理性阅读理解参考,本网站及负责人不承担任何相关法律责任。急症请及时就医! ~ ~愿大家健康快乐平安哈!