原创 Anjani 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2020-09-11原文文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/3772.html
English Text is further down.
6年前,我被诊断出患有桥本甲状腺炎,并被告知我什么都做不了。我那时开始了高蛋白低碳水的流行饮食法想要解决脑雾和疲劳问题。由于我饮食变成了更新鲜完整的食物,似乎有一些帮助,看上去我似乎能够正常运转。 但4年前我经历了严重创伤,身体陷入大量肾上腺素导致的战斗或逃跑的反应中,持续了很长时间。当时有人向我推荐了安东尼威廉的书,但我没有理睬。我开始因全身不断的振动、刺痛和紧绷状态而病倒,最终导致极其严重的疲劳、脑雾和无法想象的失眠。胸部极度抽紧,并伴随着心悸,我甚至无法正常呼吸,并始终生活在持续的极度恐惧中。对化学物质和食物敏感到了不能再糟糕的地步,感觉自己什么都吃不了,也出不了门。我感觉自己被困在这个身体中,无论白天还是黑夜都感到极度绝望,如同在地狱中一般。我跪下恳求宇宙让这一切消失。 就这样过去了两年时间,找了各种疗愈师咨询并花费了无数钱之后,在我获得EB病毒阳性测试结果之后,另一个朋友向我推荐了安东尼威廉的信息。不久之后,我收听了安东尼广播节目中关于EB病毒的内容。突然间就如同拨云见日一般,我终于找到了我的各种神秘神经系统症状的答案。简直就是醍醐灌顶,我重新获得了希望和乐观。 我很快采取了安东尼威廉推荐的疗愈方法,并立即感受到我的身体在感谢我。在采取安东尼威廉疗法两年半之后,现在我所有症状都消失了,而且过着快乐的生活。我对自己神奇的身体和一路上获得的支持表示最深刻的感谢。安东尼威廉的信息以及情绪和精神的疗愈给了我梦寐以求的自由。你也可以拥有这一切。在我们一生中,所有人都可以拥有。感恩安东尼威廉分享的礼物和智慧。我承诺会成为光之使者,并与他人分享如此重要的信息,为了让更多的人能够找到我们内在本质的完整性。
Repost from@thedivineiswithin
6 years ago I was diagnosed with Hashimotos and told there wasn't anything I could do about it. I immediately hopped on the Paleo bandwagon to help with my brain fog and fatigue. It seemed to help some as I was eating more whole foods. I was functioning well enough until I experienced a severe trauma over 4 years ago. My system was stuck in fight or flight for months and months - day and night.
Someone suggested the Medical Medium to me at this time and I ignored the suggestion. I began to get very ill with constant vibrations and tingling and tightness in my entire body and then ultimately the worst fatigue,brain fog,and insomnia imaginable. My chest was also twisting with extreme tightness and palpitations,I couldn't even take a full breath in and lived in constant extreme fear. My chemical and food sensitivities were through the roof and I felt like I couldn't eat much of anything or go many places outside of my house. I felt trapped in my body. I felt hopeless and in my own version of hell day and night. I found myself on my knees pleading with the Universe to make it stop.
Two years go by and after various healers consulted and thousands upon thousands spent,another friend suggests the @medicalmediumafter I get a positive Epstein Barr Virus test result. Soon after,I listened to the Epstein Barr Virus Revealed episode of Anthony's radio shows. My mind was blown. I finally had many answers to my mystery neurological symptoms. Things clicked like never before and I regained hope and optimism. I dove all the way into the MM way of life pretty quickly and immediately felt my body thanking me.
Two and a half years after starting the MM way of life,I am symptom free. My life is joyful. I feel strong and immense gratitude for my amazing body and the incredible support I've had along the way. The MM way along with emotional and spiritual healing,has given me the freedom I dreamt of. You can find this too. It's available to us all and in this lifetime. Bless Anthony William for sharing his gift and wisdom. I promise to be a light bearer and share this amazing knowledge with others so that more of us can find wholeness within.
疾病和疗愈的各方面信息,以及安友们的实践分享记录。网站内容仅供信息分享,不作为临床医疗指导,不用于任何诊断指导或治疗依据。这些信息不是为了用作病患教育,也不建立任何患者与医生的关系,请读者理性阅读理解参考,本网站及负责人不承担任何相关法律责任。急症请及时就医! ~ ~愿大家健康快乐平安哈!