原创 Anjani 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2020-09-26原文文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/3801.html
一. 蹦床
一种很好的排毒方法是迷你蹦床(rebounder),一个人可以轻轻地在上面上下跳跃。每天十分钟蹦床将非常有效地促进整个淋巴系统的循环,帮助全身排毒,尤其是肝脏排毒。 蹦床是一项对健康和增强体力最有效的锻炼之一,而且非常安全,对身体无负面影响,与慢跑、骑自行车或重量训练相比,蹦床可以燃烧更多的卡路里,并提供更多的健康益处。
二. 红外线桑拿
另一个可能让你惊讶的有效排毒方法是红外桑拿,通过红外线以达到疗愈目的。红外线会深入体内,提升血流量和血液中的氧合作用,从皮肤中去除毒素、消除疼痛,并增强免疫系统。 通常可以在健身房、按摩理疗中心和/或桑拿中心进行红外桑拿。每周可以进行两次,每次15至20分钟。如果做得正确,每次结束后一个人都会立即感受到改善。
按摩是最古老的疗法,至今仍是最有效的疗愈方法之一。高品质的45分钟全身按摩将促进体内的循环,并帮助排出毒素,尤其是肝脏中的毒素。按摩还可能增强肾上腺和肾脏,使心脏放松并缓解压力。理想情况下,按摩后请立即摄入一升新鲜柠檬水,这将优化按摩带来的排毒益处。 关于柠檬水的制作和更多信息,请点击见以下。
关键疗愈元素制作视频集锦(一)- 西芹汁、柠檬水和黄瓜汁
但如果想要获得额外的疗愈帮助,高品质的补充剂都极其有效。 如果你受到病症的困扰,想要寻找出路,那高品质的特定补充剂可以帮助到你。因为我们出生起就有的营养匮乏问题是现在这个世界被疾病困扰的重要原因。例如锌在今天的食物中几乎不存在,锌的匮乏会大大削弱免疫系统。
同时我们体内有大量有毒重金属,螺旋藻和大麦草汁粉等是去除这些毒素的关键。 如果我们身体很敏感,可以每天尝试一种补充剂,否则也可以在一天内摄入所有。或者可以选择其中几样开始。西芹汁永远是最好的开始。除此以外,请将维生素B12、锌、维生素C和柠檬香蜂草带入你的生活。之后可以再将螺旋藻、姜黄、猫爪草和/或赖氨酸等加入(请点击链接获取更多这些营养元素的信息)。
如果想要看到进一步的效果,可以继续加入其他元素。对于敏感的人,可以从较小的剂量开始。 需要摄入补充剂多长时间取决于许多因素:我们营养匮乏时间多久了(许多匮乏不是血液可以检测出来的);我们病毒感染多久了(由于不了解引起疾病的原因,现在检测手段无法检测出病毒感染程度)、我们体内大脑和肝脏内的有毒重金属有多少、我们的器官匮乏葡萄糖和矿物盐的程度、病毒干扰造成的身体炎症程度、总体身体健康被削弱的程度。
同时我们疗愈所需时间与我们的饮食息息相关,我们是否定期进行各种疗愈净化法?我们的饮食是否加入大量蔬菜水果,同时保持低脂或者无脂?我们是否避免各种阻碍疗愈的食物?这所有一切都会对疗愈进程产生很大的影响。 同时,我们在开始疗愈之前的身体状况如何?病症持续时间,都会对疗愈速度有很大影响。每个人的疗愈过程和速度都各自不同。
对于病症已经持续很长时间的人而言,高品质的补充剂甚至在我们感觉已经改善和恢复、症状在逐步消失之后都很重要。 补充剂的品质对于疗愈影响非常大。不同补充剂形式和质量直接决定杀死致病的病原体的速度(或者说到底能不能杀死病毒)、我们中枢神经系统自我修复的速度、炎症消失的速度、我们疗愈的速速、我们是否能够安全地移除体内的有毒重金属。
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安东尼威廉推荐其他一些补充剂品牌主要为Gaia、Nature's answer(cn.iherb.com或者www.vitacost.com上都可以买到),以及pure encapsulations (目前只能在美国亚马逊上买到)。
More Detox Methods
1. Rebounding
Another way to detox is to use a mini-trampoline called a re-bounder, which you gently jump up and down on. Doing this for ten minutes a day will forcefully promote circulation throughout your lymphatic system, and help detoxify your entire body, especially your liver. Rebounding is one of the most powerful and effective exercises that one can do for their health and physical strength. Rebounding is a safe, no-impact exercise that burns more calories and provides more benefits than jogging, biking, or weight training. Rebounding reduces body fat, improves muscle tone, stimulates metabolism, and improves absorption of nutrients. It oxygenates the entire body which kills off the viruses and bacteria that can lead to illnesss and disease. Rebounding can also signify improve cardiovascular and lymphatic health and can decreese inflammation and edema by helping fluid move more easily through the body. It is an excellent way to detox and cleanse your entire body. Rebounding is also known to improve circulation and digestion, strengthen the nervous system, revitalize vision, boost energy levels, decreese headaches, reduce stress and increase flexibility. It can also benefit children with learning disabilityes and cystic fibrosiss. Begin your rebounding regime with the “health bounce”. This is where you stand upright on the rebounder with your knees slightly bent, arms at your side, and gently bounce up and down with your feet never leaveng the mat. This up and down motion will create a gentle gravitational force on your body that will immediately strengthen and improve your muscular, skeletall, circulatory, and lymphatic system. start with bouncing a few minutes a day and work yourself up to 20 minutes or more at least 3 times a week. This simple, fun, and quick way to exercise at home can provide you with total bod health benefits and great results.
2. Infrared Sauna Another device that’s surprisingly useful for detox is an infrared sauna, which emits infrared light on your skin for the purpose of healing. Its rays deeply penetrate your body, providing benefits such as increased blood flow and oxygenation of the blood, removal of toxins from the skin, elimination of aches and pains, and an immune system boost.You can typically find an infrared sauna at local gyms, massage therapy centers, and/or sauna centers. Use it for 15- to 20-minute sessions twice a week. If you do it right, you should feel an immediate change for the better after each session.” 3. Massage Since the beginning of humankind, loved ones have put a hand on each other for support. Massage is our oldest form of therapy, and it remains to this day one of the most powerful methods of healing. A quality 45-minute full-body massage will promote circulation throughout your body and help draw out toxins, especially from your liver.The massage is likely to boost your adrenal glands and kidneys, relax your heart, and ease tension.Ideally, drink two 16-ounce glasses of fresh lemon or lime water directly following your massage. This will optimize the detoxing benefits of your session.” 4. Herbs & Supplements Trying herbal supplements is an optional step beyond all the dietary advice. You don’t have to play in Supplement Land if you don’t want to—drinking celery juice, lowering fats, and adding in healing critical clean carbonhydrates and leafy greens will help address all your problems. Supplements are for people looking for something more because their situations are perplexing to them and their doctors. You’ll find a treasure trove of supplement options for specific symptoms and conditions in Medical Medium, Thyroid Healing, and Liver Rescue. I’m continually asked: What is the most effective form of a given supplement, and does it really matter? Yes, it matters greatly. There are subtle and sometimes critical differences among the various supplement types available that can affect how quickly your viral or bacterial load dies off, if at all; whether your central nervous system repairs itself and how fast; how quickly your inflammation reduces; and how long it takes for your symptoms and conditions to heal. The supplement variety you choose can make or break your progress. For example, many herbal tinctures contain alcohol, which interferes with an herb’s phytochemical compounds, feeds pathogens such as the Epstein-Barr virus and all forms of unproductive bacteria, and kills off good bacteria in the intestinal tract. To speed up healing, you need the right kinds of supplements. For these very important reasons, I offer a directory on my website (www.medicalmedium.com) of the best forms of each supplement I recommend. If you want the best barley grass juice powder, spirulina, or vitamin C on the market, for example, you’ll find it in the directory.”
疾病和疗愈的各方面信息,以及安友们的实践分享记录。网站内容仅供信息分享,不作为临床医疗指导,不用于任何诊断指导或治疗依据。这些信息不是为了用作病患教育,也不建立任何患者与医生的关系,请读者理性阅读理解参考,本网站及负责人不承担任何相关法律责任。急症请及时就医! ~ ~愿大家健康快乐平安哈!