原创 Anjani 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2020-09-30原文文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/3815.html
How Celery Juice Helps Heal Insomnia
One cause of insomnia is emotional disturbance,whether from excess stress,loss,heartbreak,confrontation,being misunderstood,or an unresolved matter in life. Going through these experiences and losing sleep burns up neurotransmitter chemicals rapidly. When that’s the case,celery juice provides the ultimate restoration of neurotransmitter chemicals. Now,sodium is a critical part of neurotransmitter chemicals. The sodium in celery juice is an entirely different make and model from what you get in other sources,and it serves as the ultimate neurotransmitter chemical component. Not to mention that bound to celery juice’s sodium cluster salts are dozens of trace minerals to help your brain,too. By replenishing neurotransmitter chemicals,celery juice helps sustain you through times of turmoil.
Another reason why people can’t sleep is chronic viral infection. The common virus Epstein-Barr excretes a tremendous amount of neurotoxins,which can travel through the bloodstream,enter the brain,and weaken neurotransmitters,causing sleep disturbances. Celery juice’s sodium cluster salts help deactivate,disarm,and neutralize these neurotoxins,making them less damaging to neurotransmitter chemicals. Consuming celery juice long term helps break down and destroy the virus that’s producing the sleep-disturbing neurotoxins in the first place.
Insomnia can also result “from problems with the liver. An unhappy,sluggish,stagnant liver that’s filled with toxic byproduct can spasm during the night,waking you up out of sleep even if you can’t feel the spasming. Once up,if you have to visit the bathroom or your mind starts to race,it can be tough to fall back to sleep. Celery juice helps disarm and purge the liver of toxins as well as destroy viruses in the liver that can create even more toxins there,and that helps bring the liver back to life while soothing it from liver hypertension. A calmed liver translates to fewer spasms and less disrupted sleep.
Some people don’t sleep because of a sensitive nervous system overall. Nerve aches and pains,restless legs syndrome,twitches,spasms,and nerve weakness often don’t allow people to sleep properly. The same goes for people diagnosed with neurological conditions such as ME/CFS or Lyme disease. Celery juice’s sodium cluster salts are the most powerful electrolytes Planet Earth has to offer at this time from any food—electrolytes that help protect the central nervous system so people can experience alleviation of the neurological conditions and symptoms and autoimmune disorders that so “many experience.
Oftentimes,people can’t sleep because of sensitive intestinal linings due to inflammation. This means that food traveling through the gut at night can awaken someone constantly. As with liver spasms,this can occur on a level that the person doesn’t even feel;it could seem like they wake up for no reason. Celery juice improves digestion on all levels. For example,it strengthens hydrochloric acid so that proteins digest better. It restores worn-out intestinal linings’natural sandpaper-like texture so they can better grip,process,and round up fiber. And because celery juice helps restore intestinal nerve endings,which receive messages to create peristaltic action,it allows for smoother peristalsis. This all translates to better sleep.
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