原创 Anjani 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2020-11-11原文文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/3901.html
How Celery Juice helps Heal Menopause Symptoms
The symptoms of perimenopause, menopause, and postmenopause are not caused by an aging reproductive system. They’re caused by an aging liver. When the liver becomes sluggish, stagnant, and toxic—which coincidentally happens to the majority of women in their late 30s to late 40s—symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, irritability, fatigue,depression, anxiety, and loss of libido can start to appear. When the liver is filled with viral byproduct, viral neurotoxins,and viruses themselves such as Epstein-Barr, heart palpitations can start to occur, too, as viral waste is released into the bloodstream. For many individuals, the symptoms associated with menopause can be arrested simply with celery juice alone. It helps bring back and revitalize the liver, lower viral loads, lower viral toxins, and remove other poisons that have caused the liver to become sluggish and stagnant over the decades. A cleaner, healthier liver means relief from symptoms labeled as menopause. REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM DISORDERS
If you’re wondering if celery juice is good for your reproductive system, the answer is an overwhelming yes. The reproductive system is in desperate need of what celery juice possesses. Celery juice stops pathogens that are responsible for most reproductive symptoms, conditions, and diseases; removes toxins that are also partly responsible; with its cleansing power, binds onto, neutralizes, and escorts out toxic hormones (such as foreign estrogen from foods, plastics,other petrochemicals, and pharmaceuticals) that build up in the reproductive system and confuse the body; and nourishes and feeds the reproductive system on all levels, from restoring cells to balancing healthy hormones to providing nutrients and trace minerals to reproductive organs and glands. Critically, celery juice also hydrates the reproductive system, which is a major factor in what can go wrong. The reproductive system ages faster than many other parts of the human body, and one reason for this is chronic dehydration of its cells. Celery juice helps prevent and reverse this.
Don’t feel thwarted if you don’t see your symptom, condition, or disease explained here. Any reproductive system issue is a candidate for celery juice.
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