蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2020-11-20原文文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/3915.html
welcome to the medical medium podcast, I'm Anthony William.
Hey, everybody, we are doing the moon meditation. Because Planet Earth is not easy place to live. And for those of us who experience hardships in this world, the moon has the ability to draw out what we have absorbed. It's not easy for any of us down here as we get let down, and our trust gets busted by others we trusted. But that's OK. You got the moon meditation coming your way.
This moon meditation connects us to the moon's powerful ability to heal our soul.It's not easy when we feel we are not understood, or when we are betrayed by someone, when we feel someone has wronged us, whether on purpose or not. It's not easy when we feel ignored or not heard, insecure, less than, or when we don't feel whole. It's so hard when we feel lost and can't see straight, because our thoughts are replace of emotional trials.
这一月亮冥想让我们得以与月亮的强大力量进行连接,来疗愈我们的灵魂。 当我们被误解,被背叛、或遭到有意无意的诽谤时,我们都会感到痛苦。 而当我们感到被忽略,被漠视,没有安全感,或觉得自己不完整时,我们的内心也会经历煎熬。而我们之所以在迷茫时感到痛苦,是因为我们的思想总是重复着过去情感上的创伤经验而无法跳脱。
And we start losing touch with who we are as a person deep down inside. It's not easy when we feel like anxieties getting the best of us,where depression is ruling our lives,and when we feel disconnected from ourselves. Because we've been so distracted by the hurt we've experienced through out our lives. We need help that's not from this world. We can use the moon as a sanctuary with no wordly troubles. We can use the moon meditation to assist in pulling out the venomous poison of hurt and hardship from years past or even the present. The poison hinders us without us even realizing it
然后我们失去了与自己最深内在的连接。当我们因焦虑而无法展现最好的自己,当生活被沮丧填满,我们感受不到自己时,那些时刻都是艰难的,因为我们都陷在了自己生命中曾经历过的伤痛经历中。 我们需要来自于这个世界以外的帮助。 我们能 我们可以通过月亮冥想帮助我们拔除这些毒素和伤痛,不论它们是旧毒还是新伤。正是这些毒素在我们不知不觉中阻挠着我们前进。
During this meditation you are using the moon's magnetic power to remove this poison from the center of your soul. When this poison is removed, we get in touch with our essence.Our soul gets a new start and strengthens. We mend the fractures of the soul from our hurt, pain, and suffering.
Before we begin the moon meditation,find a comfortable position in the presence of the moon. This meditation will still be effective if you can not see the moon. It's OK if you can't see the moon itself, because it's behind the cloud, the building or other structure. Seeing the light of the moon is powerful enough.You can be inside or outside.You can be lying down, sitting, or even standing. If you're standing, and this meditation becomes too strong, you are welcome to sit or lie down. If the moon seems super bright, you don't have to stare at it.During this meditation, you do not have to look at the moon. The moon does not have to be full, it can be a half or partial moon. Keeping track of the moon cycles can be very helpful when the moon meditation is a part of your life. Awareness of the lunar phases will connect you more to the moon.You can also do this meditation during a sighting of a day time moon. If you do this meditation during an eclipse, do not look at the moon. Many times you can catch the moon in the late morning or early evening. If your eyesight is impaired, that's perfectly fine. As long as you are aware, the moon is out.
Now let's begin the moon meditation. Once you are ready, look at the the moon or its rays if they are within sight. If you cannot see the moon, that is OK. Envision seeing the moon. Now close your eyes, take a deep breath in, and release.
Do not see the moon as seperate from you. See the moon as part of you. There is already connection between the moon and your soul. For thousands of years, human beings have lived by the moon cycles. Your soul is aware of this. It's already etched into your being, a part of you. With your eyes closed, see the moon in your mind now. Welcome the moon wirh open arms. You can even raise your arms as if you are about to hug a friend.You can stretch your arms out allowing the light rays of the moon to shine upon your whole body.
不要把月亮和自己分割开来看。将月亮视作你的一部分,它与你的灵魂之间很早便有了连接。数千年以来,人类都依据着月盈月亏的规律生存。你的灵魂清楚这一点。它已经蚀刻在了你的生命里, 成为你的一部分。
It's strengthening and reuniting our long lost connection. Now take a deep breath in, and release. The moon has a poweful magnetic pull. When we are aware of how to activate its healing power, it will help us heal deep emotional wounds. You are about to heal the emotional wounds that sit deep within your soul. As you are staring at the moon in your mind, envision the moon's magnetic pull moving through you. This can feel as if your body becomes very heavy, or even feel very light. Connect to this feeling. Does your body feel heavy? Or does it feel light?
You can feel something inside you is moving.It has a color to it. Look at the colors you see. There are lots of colors swirling inside of you.Look through the colors you see, and look for the dull yellow.
The dull yellow hides within the colors. It's elusive. It hides in the shadows of your soul. The yellow is poisonous hurt. The moon's magnetic pull is starting to take hold. You can envision the light rays of the moon going through your body, entering your soul and attaching to the yellow poison. The poison that emotional wounds leave inside of us can sit in our soul for a life time if we don't tend to it. Feel this dull yellow poison start to move around as it swirling through out your soul. It's now entering your organs and blood as it's uprooting. See the yellow poison move through your body. Within this yellow poison there are hardships, losses, broken relationships, broken friendships, misunderstandings, judgements, injustices, confrontations, sorrow, guilt, shame, insecurities and sadness, on all levels , mild to extreme. Your experiences are different than anyone else's. They are unique. Within this swirling yellow poison, there's freedom to be found, because you are letting the moon remove it from your soul. The moon's magnetic power is what identifies that poison, and gives it it's yellow color. It can't hide from the moon's extraction power. As the poison starts to surface, you will feel it. It can give you a cool sensation, some tingles, and chills down the spine. Or it can give you a warm sensation, with your face or stomach heating up.
Your hands and feet can feel cold. You may feel sadness or loneliness. And underneath it all, a feeling of joy trying to peek through, trying to connect to the sensations. Your mind will become grounded, balanced, solid and strong. And that sadness or loneliness will no longer be a part of you, as the poisons are leaving your soul and your body.
Repeat after me, I'm solid and strong. I no longer need to hold on to this poison.No one can harm my soul any more.
Now take a deep breath in, and release.
The yellow poison and your emotional wounds are leaving your soul and your body. The old wounds are attched to the dull yellow poison. And those emotional wounds were comfortable living inside of you, even as they were creating discomfort. Now the moon's magnetic pull is extracting this poison from your soul. See the rays of light shining from the moon as arms extending, reaching into you and scooping the poison out of your soul. Your soul is relieved, this yellow poison of hurt has now left.The yellow poison is rising above your body, and drifting towards the moon.
黄色的毒素和你的情感创伤正在离开你的灵魂,离开你的身体。陈旧的创伤附着在暗黄色的毒素上。现在这些情感创伤在你之内和谐地保留,即使它们制造出不适的感觉。现在月亮的磁性引力正将其从你的灵魂间拔除。把月亮的光芒视作伸出的手臂,触碰到你,并将毒素从你的灵魂中挖除。你的灵魂因这黄色毒素的离开而感到异常轻松。旧伤口与沉闷的黄色。 月亮的引力将这些毒素从我们灵魂中吸出。看到月亮放出的光,从我们体内取出这些毒素,你的灵魂感到轻松,因为这些毒素离开了。这些黄色毒素正漂浮在我们身体之上,朝月亮飘去。
Now take a deep breath in, and release.
Now open your eyes. You have now completed the moon meditation.
You can see with your own eyes that the moon looks different than it did moments ago. And if you can’t see the moon, you can feel how different it is. The relationship you now have with the moon is like nothing you've ever had before. It has drawn out years of poison from your very old soul. It's a brand new start. You have now removed a portion of the emotional wounds that have been burried deep inside your soul. Repeating the moon meditation on a regular basis will make its benefits and effects on your life more profound. If you can repeat this exercises every day or every night, especially during the week of the full moon, each time you do this meditation, you will succeed in removing portions of the old hurt. The moon is your old friend, when you understand it and know how to lean on it, it won't let you down.
With your own free will, you can use this practice to help yourself rise above the hurt and the pain. When you apply the right tools, freedom is in your hands. You can rise out of the ashes. See, I believe in you. And I know you can heal.
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