原创 Anjani 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2021-01-22原文文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/4037.html
从@mindbodysoulgardener转贴 疾病并非不可避免 无论是在我们的个人生活中,还是在我们的集体体验中,仅仅因为一件事情很普遍并不意味着这是正常的,或我们必须接受现状。 在今天的世界,我们每个人身边都有罹患或曾经罹患严重疾病或慢性疾病的人,无论是癌症,糖尿病,或诸如焦虑、青春痘或消化道问题等。 疾病如此普遍,并不意味着生病是正常的,也并不意味着即使我们现在没有因为健康问题挣扎,以后依然需要面临疾病的挑战。 我们实际上完全有能力通过正确的方法支持我们的身体和健康,诸如新鲜水果和蔬菜、叶草和药草、蔬果汁、赋予生命力的补充剂以及疗愈的野生食物。 我们也完全有能力训练我们的思想,专注于平静、和平与赋权,避免负面思想破坏我们的生活,我们来到这个世界是为了体验幸福、健康和充实。 安东尼威廉的书改变了我的生活,也改变了我周围人的生活,改变了我与食物、身体、地球、大自然的馈赠(蔬菜、水果等)以及与生活之间的关系,因为这些信息给我们带来清晰度以及健康各个方面的改善和提升。 在经历多年各种症状的困扰和精疲力竭之后,我终于感觉到与身体和头脑同步了,以及我的内在和外在的力量在恢复的感受。 安东尼威廉的新书《净化以疗愈》中包含了大量的疗愈信息,帮助我们疗愈身体、心智和灵魂,无论你只是想改善自己的健康,还是挣扎于似乎无法解决的问题,这本书适合所有人。 请永远不要怀疑我们改变自己健康状况的能力,请不要相信遗传缺陷或因为基因原因,我们无法控制我们的健康此类的谎言。 我们完全可以成为我们注定成为的健康且充满活力的人。相信这一点,你每天就会找到越来越多的答案和证明。 爱 爱 爱??????
健康陷阱(十九) - 基因导致疾病遗传?先天体质是否不可改变?
关于更多安东尼威廉的净化疗愈法,请搜索公众号菜单 -> 疗愈篇 中的基础系列和高阶系列净化疗愈法,选择适合自己生活节奏的方法。以下是369净化疗愈法。
Repost from @mindbodysoulgardener illness is NOT inevitable ? Just because something is common does not mean it’s normal, or that we have to accept things as they are now, both in our individual lives and in our collective experience. I’d be shocked if any of us can honestly say that we don’t know someone who has or has had a serious illness or chronic condition, whether it’s something as serious as cancer or diabetes or something chronic like anxiety, acne, or major digestive trouble That doesn’t mean that we are meant to be ill or that we should just expect to get ill ourselves some day if we haven’t already struggled with our health. We DO have the power to change our bodies by supporting them with the proper tools like fresh fruits and vegetables,herbs, juices , life-giving supplements, and healing wild foods We also have the power to train our minds to focus on calm, peace, and empowerment so that our beliefs don’t sabotage our lives - we are meant to be happy, healthy, and fulfilled The books of @medicalmedium have change my life, and the lives around me. my relationship to food, to my body, to the Earth and its gifts ???, and to life honestly because I’ve been able to empower myself and others with information that brings clarity and improvement in all aspects of our health I’ve never felt more in tune with my body, my mind, and a sense that my strength - both inner and outer - is returning,after years of confusion and exhaustion with my symptoms This book, Cleanse to Heal, is packed full of so many techniques and tools to help you restore your body, mind, and soul,whether you’re just looking to level-up your health or you’re really struggling with something you can’t seem to solve. there is something here for all of us Never doubt that you have the power to shape your health, never fall for the lie that we are unable to impact our health due to faulty DNA/genetics or influences outside of our control We CAN be the healthful, productive, vibrant beings we know deep down we are meant to be. believe that and you’ll find the answers and the evidence more and more every day love, love, love ??????
疾病和疗愈的各方面信息,以及安友们的实践分享记录。网站内容仅供信息分享,不作为临床医疗指导,不用于任何诊断指导或治疗依据。这些信息不是为了用作病患教育,也不建立任何患者与医生的关系,请读者理性阅读理解参考,本网站及负责人不承担任何相关法律责任。急症请及时就医! ~ ~愿大家健康快乐平安哈!