原创 Anjani 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2021-05-14原文文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/4348.html
阿拉娜自12岁起就患有偏头痛,以上视频是她分享西芹汁如何帮助她疗愈了偏头痛。 偏头痛依然是医学谜题,成千上万的人在不了解原因的情况下遭受痛苦。偏头痛的原因之一是带状疱疹病毒产生的神经毒素引起迷走神经和三叉神经炎症导致的。西芹汁能帮助神经消炎且具有舒缓作用,钠簇盐中的珍贵微量矿物质可以恢复神经活力。西芹汁还可以与神经毒素结合,去除其毒性,降低带状疱疹神经毒素对迷走神经和三叉神经的伤害,钠簇盐就像是神经的保护盾牌一般。
这两张照片让我百感交集,因为它们展示了我巨大的改变。左边是2014年的意大利之旅时我们沿着海岸徒步,但因为慢性疲劳爆发,仅几公里的徒步让我感到非常疲倦,以至于我在哭泣中摔倒在地,因为无法继续前进。照片是我在徒步旅行后拍摄的。回家后,我记得在机场时用尽了我所有的力气才能一步步走路,避免在走路时就想睡觉的冲动。 眩晕发作时我在床上躺了7-14天,甚至无法将手举过头或睁开眼睛。我甚至无法起床去洗手间(我的丈夫是天使!)。当我终于可以不再因为起床而引发呕吐时,虽然可以洗个澡,但洗澡会让我感觉精疲力尽,抬起手臂洗头在那时是世界上最艰巨的任务。 在2017年,我很幸运地遇到了安东尼威廉的书籍,这彻底改变了我的生活。我了解到EB病毒是造成我痛苦的原因。我开始实践他书中的方法,并在第一周内就看到了结果。在接下来的9个月中,我看到了偏头痛、眩晕、失眠、肠易激综合症、慢性便秘、盗汗、焦虑和抑郁症状的显著改善,我能够更从容地应对压力,对化学物的敏感和疲劳都得到了改善。4年后,我依然继续在看到令人难以置信的益处。我现在可以去杂货店购买各种疗愈水果和蔬菜,回家花一个小时或更长时间清洗准备,与狗一起徒步几公里,然后回家做晚餐!!?
四年前,我曾经担心十年后会变成什么样子… 我会得什么样的病?我从未想象过我的健康会变成有史以来最好的状态。感谢安东尼威廉和高灵给我的生命礼物。如果你有一样的状况,要知道你完全可以疗愈!
神经症状揭秘 (头晕、耳鸣、疲劳、疼痛、刺痛、麻、抽搐痉挛、四肢无力、焦虑和惊恐等)
杰奈尔在此视频中分享她如何疗愈青春痘、尿路感染、偏头痛和鼻窦问题。当她从安东尼威廉书籍中了解到这些健康问题的真正原因后,她立即就开始了疗愈之旅。她现在已经疗愈了许多健康挑战,最重要的是,她重新获得了掌控人生的力量。 西芹汁尚未被发现的的钠簇盐是强大的杀菌剂,能够暴露并杀死链球菌。西芹汁还有助于帮助肝脏排毒并强化肝脏,使得链球菌无法轻易地在肝脏内安营扎寨。西芹汁还可以增强免疫系统,帮助消灭链球菌,并有助于防止它变成青春痘。同时能帮助我们对抗青春痘的淋巴细胞也以西芹汁中的维生素和矿物质为食。
各类慢性疾病背后的真凶(五)- 链球菌西芹汁如何帮助疗愈尿路感染、阴道炎和膀胱感染等青春痘的真正原因和疗愈
In the first video clip, Alanna suffered from migraines since she was 12 years old. Watch her share how she healed with celery juice. Thank you for sharing Alanna, you are an inspiration!
“Migraines especially are still a mystery to medical research and science—millions suffer from them without understanding why. One reason for migraines is inflammation of the phrenic, vagus, and trigeminal nerves caused by neurotoxins produced by the shingles virus. (As I shared in Medical Medium: Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal, there are over 30 varieties of shingles; it’s more common than anyone realizes.) Celery juice is an anti-inflammatory for these critical nerves, soothing, rejuvenating, and revitalizing them with its precious trace minerals from inside its sodium cluster salts. Celery juice also binds onto the neurotoxins and neutralizes their injurious properties that otherwise tend to aggravate nerves. That is, celery juice weakens their toxic nature and helps stop them from being detrimental. As a result, the phrenic, vagus, and trigeminal nerves become less sensitive to the shingles neurotoxins—they’re practically shielded by celery juice’s sodium cluster salts.” - excerpt from Medical Medium Celery Juice.
For more information on how celery juice can help you heal migraines and to learn the true causes of almost 200 chronic illnesses and symptoms, check out the NY Times best-selling book Medical Medium Celery Juice: The Most Powerful Medicine of Our Time Healing Millions Worldwidehttps://amzn.to/2Xz811P
And for even more on the many causes of migraines and hundreds of other symptoms and conditions, plus how you can heal them, check out Medical Medium: Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Healat http://amzn.to/1VsZ4Qr
I got emotional looking at these photos side by side showing how much I had to push through life feeling the way I did. Our trip to Italy in 2014 (1st photo) we hiked along the mountainous coast. I was actually in great physical shape BUT that was no match for a chronic fatigue/neuro fatigue flare-up. I was so fatigued on this hike (that was only a few miles)that at one point I collapsed to the ground in tears bc I could not keep going. Photo is of me after that hike. After flying back, I remember walking through the airport and using all the energy I had to put one foot in front of the other and fighting the urge to fall asleep while walking. .My vertigo flare-ups caused me to be stuck in bed for 7-14 days unable to even turn my head or open my eyes. I couldn't even get up to use the bathroom (my husband is a saint!). And when I could finally get up without triggering vomiting, I was able to take a shower but I was so exhausted that lifting my arms to wash my hair was the hardest task in the world..In 2017, I was lucky enough to come across the #medicalmedium books and change my life. I learned that EBV was the cause of my suffering. I applied the info from Anthony William's first book and saw results within the first week. Over the next 9 months, I saw dramatic improvements with migraines, vertigo, Insomnia, IBS and chronic constipation, night sweats, anxiety, depression, I handled stress better, chemical sensitivities, and yes, the fatigue. Almost 4 years later, I continue to see incredible results. I can now go to the grocery store for all my healing fruits and veggies, come home and spend an hour or more washing them, go for a 2-3 mile hike with the dogs and come home and make dinner- all in one day!!!?.Back then, I used to worry about what I would look like in a decade... what would I be diagnosed with? I never imagined that my health would be the BEST it ever has been. Thank you, AW and SoC for giving me the gift life ??? If you are experiencing this, know that you can heal!
In the second video clip, Watch this video to see Janelle share her inspiring story of healing from chronic cystic acne, UTIs, migraines, and sinus problems with celery juice and other Medical Medium information. When Janelle learned the true cause of her acne and other health problems from Medical Medium, the information clicked for her right away. Janelle has now healed many of her health challenges, and most of all, she has her power back.
Celery juice’s undiscovered sodium cluster salts act as an antiseptic and expose and destroy streptococcus bacteria, which is the true, undiscovered cause of acne. Celery juice also helps detoxify and strengthen the liver so strep doesn't find it to be such a happy place for it to nest. Celery juice also strengthens the immune system so it can help kill off the strep and help prevent it from becoming acne in the future. The lymphocytes you rely on to stop strep in the lymphatic highways also feed off vitamins and minerals found in celery juice.
To find out more about the true cause of acne, UTIs, sinus issues and countless other conditions and symptoms, check out the NY Times Bestselling book Medical Medium Liver Rescue: Answers to Eczema, Psoriasis, Diabetes, Strep, Acne, Gout, Bloating, Gallstones, Adrenal Stress, Fatigue, Fatty Liver, Weight Issues, SIBO & Autoimmune Disease by Anthony William
疾病和疗愈的各方面信息,以及安友们的实践分享记录。网站内容仅供信息分享,不作为临床医疗指导,不用于任何诊断指导或治疗依据。这些信息不是为了用作病患教育,也不建立任何患者与医生的关系,请读者理性阅读理解参考,本网站及负责人不承担任何相关法律责任。急症请及时就医! ~ ~愿大家健康快乐平安哈!