西芹汁如何帮助疗愈头痛和偏头痛 How Celery Juice Helps Heal Headaches&Migraines

原创 Anjani 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2021-06-02原文文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/4375.html

celery juice migraine.png文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/4375.html







How Celery Juice Helps Heal Headaches & Migraines

People get headaches and migraines for different reasons. There are too many to share them all here, so we’ll explore a choice few. (For more, see the migraines chapter in Medical Medium.) Rest assured, celery juice addresses all of the various root causes of headaches and migraines. Migraines especially are still a mystery to medical research and science—millions suffer from them without understanding why. One reason for migraines is inflammation of the phrenic, vagus, and trigeminal nerves caused by neurotoxins produced by the shingles virus. (As I shared in Medical Medium, there are over 30 varieties of shingles; it’s more common than anyone realizes.) Celery juice is an anti-inflammatory for these critical nerves, soothing, rejuvenating,and revitalizing them with its precious trace minerals from inside its sodium cluster salts. Celery juice also binds onto the neurotoxins and neutralizes their injurious properties that otherwise tend to aggravate nerves. That is, celery juice weakens their toxic nature and helps stop them from being detrimental. As a result, the phrenic, vagus, and trigeminal nerves become less sensitive to the shingles neurotoxins—they’re practically shielded by celery juice’s sodium cluster salts. Another cause of migraines and headaches is the presence of toxic heavy metals inside brain cells. Toxic heavy metal deposits, such as those of mercury and aluminum, prompt the brain to run hot because they create blocks inside the brain that impede natural electricity flow. Instead of traveling freely through brain tissue, electrical impulses end up ricocheting,and not only does this heat up the brain, it means that it takes more energy for someone to process information, think, and generally function. Celery juice feeds every single brain cell, offering each one the proper nourishment to help override toxic heavy metals so that electricity can freely flow across neurons. It also enhances neurotransmitter chemicals,allowing the brain to function at its optimum level even in the face of toxic heavy metals. Often people experience migraines and headaches due to chronic dehydration and a lack of oxygen from dirty blood. This is the result of a stagnant, sluggish liver and a high-fat diet saturating the bloodstream with an abundance of fat that pushes away oxygen and leads to minimal oxygen levels inside certain organs such as the brain. Celery juice helps disperse fats in the bloodstream, cleaning and purifying the blood while also clearing the liver of troublemakers that have accumulated there, since the liver is the main filter of the body. Revitalizing the liver brings back one of its critical chemical functions that I call the camel effect: taking precious water molecules from the healthy foods we eat such as apples and using it to revive “dead” water from dehydrating sources such as coffee, black tea, and soft drinks. (Read more in Liver Rescue.) Celery juice itself also helps us hydrate; it’s the ultimate electrolyte source that helps enhance water already in the body and bloodstream, making it more vital and lowering the chronic dehydration that millions walk around with “unnoticed by medical professionals. Celery juice also helps with stress-related, emotion-related, and tension headaches and migraines that result from the adrenaline of our chronic fight-or-flight daily lives going to the brain. Since celery juice strengthens the adrenals and neutralizes toxic adrenaline, it helps head off (so to speak) these adrenaline-surge headaches.



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