Anjani 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2021-07-20原文文章源自安疗网安疗网-
2汤匙鲜榨柠檬汁1/2 汤匙生蜂蜜1根黄瓜切成长条片状1/4 杯红洋葱切丝1汤匙切碎的新鲜红辣椒和新鲜莳萝(dill)
在一个中等大小碗里,加入柠檬汁和生蜂蜜,搅拌至均匀。将黄瓜、红洋葱、辣椒和/或莳萝加入碗中,用手或勺子轻轻搅拌。让色拉“腌制”10-15 分钟,然后食用,或在冰箱中放置更长时间,以增强风味。
Marinated Cucumber “Pickled” Salad {GLUTEN-FREE, DAIRY-FREE, & VINEGAR-FREE}
This light and refreshing marinated cucumber salad is perfect as a hydrating snack. You can also enjoy it served alongside any meal to bring more hydration and nutrients to it. It can also be added as a condiment to any potato wrap, sandwich, veggie burger, or leafy salad to add a flavor boost!
Cucumbers are allies to the liver due to their ability to hydrate it. Your liver’s always in need of living water that’s filled with minerals and other nutrients, because your liver keeps your blood hydrated. It relies on sources such as cucumber for that living water. This minimizes what I call “dirty blood syndrome” (you can read about it in Cleanse to Heal) by helping reduce fats and toxins inside of dirty blood. Phytochemical compounds in cucumbers act as anti-inflammatories to the small intestines and colon. Cucumbers have a gentle blood-thinning ability, too, allowing for detox to occur naturally, without obstruction.
Marinated Cucumber “Pickled” Salad
Ingredients:2 tbsp freshly-squeezed lemon juice1/2 tbsp raw honey1 English cucumber, halved and mandolined or peeled into ribbons1/4 cup very thinly sliced red onion1 tbsp finely chopped fresh red chilli and fresh dill
Directions:In a medium-sized bowl, add the lemon juice and raw honey. Whisk until uniform.
Add the cucumber, red onion, chilli and/or dill to the bowl. Toss gently using your hands or serving spoons.
Let the salad marinate for 10-15 minutes, then serve, or let it marinate in the fridge for longer to intensify the flavors.
Makes 2-4 servings
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