原创 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2022-01-14 原文文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/5477.html
今天是个特殊的日子。2020 年12月15日,是我一年前开始安东尼威廉疗愈之旅的时刻。我现在几乎无法想象一年前的生活。
虽然我一直是素食主义者,但我的饮食含有大量威胁健康的蛋、乳制品、小麦制品、芥花油、软饮料和咖啡。我在 3 年内增加了约 20公斤。我尝试了生酮饮食,减掉了15公斤,但病情却越来越严重。我的过敏状况处于历史最糟糕水平。我突然对狗皮屑过敏,无法触摸我的狗,这让我心都碎了!
我在 6 个月内重拾了生酮减掉的体重。我陷入了抑郁,不舒服的腹胀气、头痛、偏头痛,强迫症越来越严重,经痛和月经也一样。过敏很可怕,我每天早上都服用抗过敏药。一觉醒来,脸都肿了,很绝望!我祈求来自宇宙的奇迹!
奇迹出现了。一位正在进行28 天净化疗愈法的朋友告诉我安东尼威廉的信息。我在同一天晚上订购了所有的书。
✨到目前为止,我已经做了 9 次高阶369,戒掉了蛋、咖啡、麸质、乳制品、芥花油和软饮料。有些日子我一直保持无油脂饮食直到晚餐!
✨ 我的经痛大大减轻了。
Repost @sam.healed
Today is a special day. Dec 15 2020, is when my Medical Medium Healing journey began, a year ago. I can barely imagine my life a year ago.
I was sensitive since childhood. A little dust, strong smells, any strong scented items and I would go into a sneeze attack, itchy eyes and runny nose- within seconds! I never played the festival of colors in India, Holi, because I was allergic to the powdered colors. I never celebrated Diwali, because the smoke from crackers would throw me into more allergy attacks. I had made my peace that this is what life would always be.
While I was always vegetarian, my diet became heavily comprised of Eggs, dairy, wheat, canola oil, soft drinks and coffee. I gained ~40 pounds in 3 years. I decided to go on Keto diet. I lost 30 pounds, but I was getting sicker. My allergies were at an all-time high. I suddenly became allergic to dog dander and it was breaking my heart to not be able to touch my dog!
I gained all my weight back within 6 months. I fell in depression. I had uncomfortable bloating, headaches, migraines, my OCD was getting bad, so were the menstrual pains and flow. Allergies were horrible and I was taking an Allegra every morning. When I woke, my face was swollen and I was helpless! I asked for a miracle from the universe!
A miracle came. A dear friend who was on her 28-day raw cleanse told me about @medicalmedium . I ordered all the books the same night.
This was the TRUTH I was looking for! I did my first advanced cleanse within a month and didn't look back.
✨I have done 9 advanced cleanses so far, quit eggs and coffee, and I stay away from gluten, dairy, canola oil and soft drinks. I even stay fat free until dinner some days!
✨My weight has dropped 20 pounds.
✨My bloating has reduced tremendously and I have regular bowel movements.
✨I am high energy throughout the day without a coffee and my headaches have gone down!
✨ My period pains reduced dramatically.
✨My mystery hunger has subsided.
✨Most importantly, I don't take an Allegra every morning, to "exist" around my 2 dogs
"You can heal". Thank You Anthony, thank you Spirit of Compassion. Thank you, to this lovely community. ??
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