耳鸣、耳朵中的振动或嗡嗡声,以及不明原因的听力损失意味着体内有EB病毒。当 EB病毒释放出神经毒素进入血液中时,会进入内耳迷路,这会对神经造成严重破坏,引起神秘的神经炎症。病毒甚至也可能进入迷路,从而直接导致炎症。
神经症状揭秘 (头晕、耳鸣、疲劳、疼痛、刺痛、麻、抽搐痉挛、四肢无力、焦虑和惊恐等)
How Celery Juice Helps Tinnitus, Ringing, Vibrating, or Buzzing in the Ears; Unexplained Hearing Loss
Long-term use of celery juice is most beneficial for tinnitus; ringing, vibrating, or buzzing in the ears; and unexplained hearing loss. When these issues are occurring with no obvious explanation—someone hasn’t experienced decibel damage from working near machinery their whole life, playing music at high volumes, or similar strains to the eardrums—and it’s a mystery to doctors, that means there’s a virus present, one I cover extensively in Medical Medium and Thyroid Healing: the Epstein-Barr virus. When EBV releases neurotoxins into the bloodstream, they can find their way to the “labyrinth of the inner ear. Here, they wreak havoc upon the nerves, causing mysterious inflammation. The virus itself may even enter the labyrinth, creating direct inflammation as well.
Yet again, we have celery juice’s miraculous sodium cluster salts to thank for their antiviral power. Celery juice flushes viral neurotoxins out of the body, binding onto them and neutralizing them, while its cluster salts damage EBV and slow down its reproduction. These cluster salts also enter the inner ear’s labyrinth and help restore nerve cells; nerve tissue takes trace minerals as protective fuel and nourishment to recover itself. While sometimes celery juice can get rid of tinnitus and similar symptoms quickly, for many, destroying EBV is a longer-term process, which is why drinking celery juice long term is your best course of action here. You’ll further support the deep healing that needs to happen by taking additional steps that you’ll find in Chapter 8 and the rest of the Medical Medium series.
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