安东尼·威廉 (Anthony William) 的肝脏拯救节选
【胆囊问题】---Helene Bebe翻译
胆结石& 神秘腹部疼痛/痉挛
1.长期细菌感染 食用遭受污染的食物 / 食物中毒
2.链球菌 造成胆囊疤痕组织-->胆囊感染-->胆囊神秘的发炎
3.胆泥经空气 /水 /食物 吸收进去身体的成千上百种防腐剂/ 化学添加物 胆泥流进胆囊缝隙+胆汁分泌不足 造成胆囊长期感染 最后形成神秘腹部疼痛&痉挛
4.胆泥经过多年发展 加上遇到其他病菌/毒素 变成胆结石(胆结石就是胆固醇跟战死的红血球细胞)
5.越来越多的【胆泥】和【胆结石】 重量造成胆囊位置偏移,压到肝脏&结肠附近的超敏感神经,所以当移动时 会因为压力,形成胆囊痉挛与神秘腹痛
6.高脂肪/高蛋白饮食 会让病情加重
We can carry bacteria in the gallbladder from old cases of food poisoning. And we can have strains of Streptococcus bacteria inside us that have been passed down from our parents, that we’ve had since a childhood case of strep throat, and/or that we’ve picked up along the way. This strep can enter the gallbladder and, over time, weaken its lining, creating scar tissue. In time, the strep finds its opportunity for a gallbladder infection, causing it to become mysteriously inflamed.
There is also sludge that can be in the gallbladder that contains hundreds of preservatives and thousands of toxic chemicals at the most minute level that we get from contaminated air, water, and food. The sludge gets into crevices in the gallbladder’s lining, and because bile is weakened, chronic infection can occur and create mysterious spasms that bring on periodic pain.
When the liver is working well, the body has a built-in feature to prevent gallstones, and that’s bile. One of bile’s jobs when it’s strong is to disperse bilirubin, watering it down. As the liver sends bile into the gallbladder, it disperses red blood cell pigments so they won’t clot problematically. It does the same with cholesterol, thinning it in the gallbladder to prevent cholesterol stones. Strong bile also means less heating of the liver, which translates to less need for the gallbladder to cool, which creates fewer gallstones. A liver that gets overloaded, however, leads to weakened bile production. The undiscovered chemical compound that the liver produces for the bile to help thin out and disperse red blood cells and cholesterol also diminishes.
When the gallbladder is filled with stones and sludge, its placement can actually shift from the heavy weight. It rests in an area of hypersensitive nerves around the liver and colon, so when it moves, it can put pressure on the gallbladder’s neck and surrounding nerves, any of which can trigger gallbladder spasms or random pains.
Excerpts from Liver Rescue by Anthony William,
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