渐冻人症的真正原因是大脑内的病毒感染,最常见的是人类疱疹病毒6型(HHV-6) 伴随着身体其他部位的另一种或两种病毒(诸如带状疱疹或 EB病毒)。病毒性神经毒素是导致渐冻人症状的原因,而这些特殊的神经毒素只有在身体中存在大量有毒重金属时才会产生:铝数量第一,汞数量第二,铜数量第三。
渐冻人症可以通过强大的抗病毒方案,和适当的有毒重金属排毒,从而改善和增强神经元再生而获得改善,更多信息,请参考各类净化疗愈法。西芹汁是另一种帮助疗愈的工具。渐冻人症患者的神经元需要快速补充,而西芹汁是最好的电解质。它的钠簇盐和与之相关的微量矿物质,以及抗氧化物、生物可利用的维生素 C ,和其他因钠簇盐的独特属性而能够快速送达的营养物质,不仅可以滋养神经元,还可以促进和保护邻近的脑组织。西芹汁中的钠簇盐可以提供完整形式的神经递质化学物,这对于“神经元受损”的渐冻人患者,是珍贵的疗愈机会。请将每天的西芹汁增加到1升,再加上每天的重金属排毒果昔,以及净化疗愈法,是渐冻人患者的明智选择。
《基础净化疗愈法合集》 - 早晨净化法、去病原体净化法、重金属排毒净化法、单一饮食法
《369净化疗愈法合集》(附音频) - 简易版、标准版和高阶版369
ALS is still a medical mystery. It’s not diagnosed alongside an actual, underlying “find” to explain what is occurring in the body. A multitude of neurological symptoms can occur for someone living with an ALS diagnosis—and in truth, diagnoses are often a result of a doctor eye-witnessing symptoms, because it is such a mystery.
The true cause of ALS is a viral infection inside the brain, most commonly HHV-6 accompanying another virus or two (for instance, shingles or EBV) in other areas of the body. Viral neurotoxins are what cause the symptoms of ALS, and these particular neurotoxins can only be created when there’s a large amount of toxic heavy metals present in the system: aluminum at the highest level, mercury at the second-highest level, and copper at the third. Reactions among these metals lead to corrosion, and this can put a strain on neurons. Corrosive heavy metal deposits are also easy food for HHV-6, because they often reside in the brain, too. And when toxic heavy metals and their corrosive deposits are present in other parts of the body, they provide fuel for nearby herpetic viruses involved in the disease.
Most people with ALS are hurting everywhere. They are often struggling in many ways, with a variety of deficiencies and chronic inflammation throughout the entire body. Their livers are never functioning well, and that can mean trouble converting nutrients, which is what causes the deficiencies. Celery juice is so bioavailable, with most of its nutrients (such as its unique “(such as its unique vitamin C) and chemical compounds needing no conversion in the liver. This is a godsend for those suffering with ALS, as it means they can access the healing properties the juice has to offer.
ALS symptoms can improve and neuron regeneration can take place with a strong antiviral protocol and the proper toxic heavy metal cleanse. For guidance on both, check out Thyroid Healing. Celery juice is another tool to help this occur faster. In ALS, neurons need to be replenished rapidly, and celery juice is the best electrolyte there is for this. Its sodium cluster salts and the trace minerals connected to them—along with antioxidants, bioavailable vitamin C, and other nutrients that cluster salts deliver with ease thanks to their unique velocity—not only replenish neurons, they boost and protect adjacent brain tissue. Not to mention that with sodium cluster salts, celery juice offers neurotransmitter chemicals in complete form. This gives “someone with injured neurons, as is the case in ALS, a chance to heal. Increasing celery juice to 32 ounces daily, coupled with a daily Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie, which you’ll read about in Chapter 8, and other supports that I recommend in Thyroid Healing and Medical Medium, is a wise choice for those suffering with ALS symptoms.
疾病和疗愈的各方面信息,以及安友们的实践分享记录。网站内容仅供信息分享,不作为临床医疗指导,不用于任何诊断指导或治疗依据。这些信息不是为了用作病患教育,也不建立任何患者与医生的关系,请读者理性阅读理解参考,本网站及负责人不承担任何相关法律责任。急症请及时就医! ~ ~愿大家健康快乐平安哈!